By CC Treadway I often get asked, “Energy healing? What is that, is it like Reiki?” I explain it a little and they say, “How does that work?” It’s a big question really, so I decided to break it down in a way that could be understood by those who are interested, but perhaps still a little skeptical, or I would say, uneducated on the subject. I may be preaching to the choir for many, but I still get asked how it all works by even my old time clients. The world we live in is dominated by left brain technology: Quantitative analysis, explanation, categorization, study, certainty, results, living for the future/upwardly mobile attitude, linear thinking and linear creative development. Energy healing requires the development of right brained technology: Intuition, experience, the big picture, imagination, inspiration, patterns, the unknown, living in the moment, spherical thinking and spherical creative development. Right brained skills cannot be explained, only experienced. Many spiritual seekers can be incredibly frustrated when they so desperately want a taste of the energy realms, but have not developed their right brain enough to let go. It’s a huge leap of faith to take and sometimes requires a series of humbling life experiences to open up to it. Like when someone has a near death experience. That usually does the trick. We have not spent the time examining the potential of the right brain because when one hemisphere is dominant, it automatically thinks its way is the proper way. Therefore the left-brain thinks it knows best and discards the accomplishments of the right. It’s really a simple problem with a simple solution. Let us not dismiss the potential of the right brain, or underestimate what we don’t know. Both hemispheres have potential for spiritual and consciousness development and it is essential that they work together, but it is the right one in particular that gives us psychic skills and allows us access into the mystic realms. Psychic skills and energy healing are not a mystery, nor are they proof that God exists. They are the result of a high functioning right brain. Development of those skills may require time, effort and practice. Even those with a “natural ability” need to spend time perfecting their skills. We also need a strong left-brain so we can take what we learn in our journeys and integrate them. Physics can also help clarify (and quantify if you really need to- see Nassim Haramein) many of the discoveries of the right brain. When the Amazonian cultures began using Ayahuasca, they didn’t have a scientist in a lab develop the product, chemically reproduce it and deliver it to the surrounding villages for a fee. If you ask them, they will say their ancestors sat in a meditative state and let the vine talk to them. The vine then told them how to make the formula. “Ha ha, that’s crazy!!!” dismisses the Left-brain, “Its perfectly normal,” says the Right, “Duh.” I’ll never forget one time I was working as a camp counselor when I was 18. There was this one kid, about 8 yrs old, who was always disappearing, seemingly into thin air. This freaked everyone out. He was for sure a “different” kinda kid. One time he reappeared by the swing set. I asked him, “Where do you go when you disappear?” He said matter-of-factly, “ I go into to the other dimensions.” I was excited, “Well how do you get to them?” He became really flustered and said, “You go through the portals, they’re everywhere. Jeez, Why can’t any one else see them? I hate it.” That little Indigo looked so angry. I wanted to talk with him forever, but the head counselor came running over and scolded us both. To him, his reality was so obvious and he couldn’t understand how anyone could not see his way. He was right brainer, pineal and pituitary gland officially activated. What if things like letting go, leaping into the unknown, uncertainty and imagination were skills that could be developed? It’s maddening for the left-brain to understand this. Uncertainty invalidates quantifiable results. In left-brain thinking, if there aren’t quantifiable results, it’s not valid. But uncertainty, gray area, and infinite possibilities are precisely what you need to navigate and understand to develop the right brain. Imagination and creativity is the gateway to receiving accurate psychic information. When you let go and surrender into the unknown, energy takes over and if you are comfortable there, you are content to go with the flow. When you are in the flow, energy takes over and decides which direction things are going to go. Why does energy take over? Because when you let go and stop trying to control you will see and understand where energy is flowing naturally. Different chakras and senses open, sometimes revealing the energy to the eyes, or the ears. It’s like when you learn to surf. In order to catch the right part of the wave, you have to totally let go of your control and be in the zone of the sea. If you take a step back and observe the bigger picture, your body/energy will know exactly when to paddle and stand up to catch the wave and achieve the desired results. The senses that you need to surf that wave open up and reveal themselves to you. If you can see, sense or know which way energy is naturally flowing with a client, you know what you are working with. You may or may not get a name like “cancer”, or “childhood abuse,” but you will know that the way the energy is flowing is contraindicated to a healthy body. However, you still do not try to “fix a problem.” From a right-brained perspective, you work with the energy of the person. One of the most important things that I learned in my training was to always see the person as their healthy self when approaching a session. This means that while the energy that is currently flowing may be creating disease, if you tap into the natural energy flow of the client when they are in a healthy state, you can work to shift the energy in that direction. This requires imagination. It’s not totally straightforward, it’s an experience. I always know when I am trying to “force” health on a client out of my own desire. The energy is not smooth, flowing and easy, it’s efforted. I’m in my left-brain, with my desire for the results more important than the process. Of course the health of the client is not up to the healer. This brings up an interesting issue, “What if the clients energy flow of infection is stronger than the intention for health?” At that point the client needs to do personal work to help shift their belief systems to bring their energy out of disease and into health. There are infinite ways to work with belief systems. The energy of the universe will support health if the majority of the client’s energy is supporting health. Remember that the will of the client will determine the outcome of the healing. Sometimes a client wants to heal so badly, but there is more energy in their system pointing towards illness. It can take time to shift that and can be very frustrating. If you develop your right brain, like we’ve spent all these years developing our left, your understanding of energy multiplies. Your ability to work with energy multiplies. The energy that flows through you will work in harmony with the client’s energy, shifting the balance to health. Specific techniques, skills and information will flow through you without thought. Your left-brain may write those skills down and use them again in future healings. Some days, you cannot get in the flow no matter how hard you try, and it is very useful to have a solid set of skills to fall back on. Any discipline requires its technique and my training required that we developed both sides of the brain. There is always more to say and learn on this subject and there is always room for argument, but I hope this gives some of you left-brainers some answers! (c) CC Treadway 2009-10. All rights reserved.
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December 2014