By CC Treadway Over the next several years, I truly believe Planet Earth, and many who reside on her, will be joining the galactic community. This has been one of my life dreams, starting as a teenager when I lived in Cuenca, Ecuador. In the Andes Mountains Spirit was vibrating on every peak. Our friends down there told us story after story of their close encounters of the 5th dimensional kind. My brother and I were determined to see a ship and take a ride. High in the Andes we would stand on our balcony, screaming out to dark night, begging for our Star Family to communicate with us and take us home. Where was this elusive home? Was it back in New York, or on another planet, or somewhere else we couldn't name? We felt the throbbing ache for contact with Source, but had no idea what to do about it. I’m sure our Star Family wanted to talk with us, if only to tell us we had to stay on Earth, but we never made contact! Feeling dejected, we returned to our sweet longing, unfulfilled. I have spent my whole life wanting contact, and I have spent many days gazing into the sky to catch a glimpse of a UFO. It wasn’t until a trip to Arizona at age 33, that my long held dream of seeing one came true. While driving at sunset in the desert landscape of Chino Valley, my friends and I were talking about UFO’s. I said, “If you are with me you’ll never see one. I have wanted to see one my whole life, but I think I must chase them away.” At that moment, one of my friends said, “CC, look to your left.” I looked out the window and in the distance saw what looked like to be an abnormally gigantic, shimmery, light blimp. We stopped the car. Conveniently my friend had binoculars with her. Upon closer inspection, we could see this was no blimp. Three more appeared. They flashed in and out of view as we freaked out. I had heard about these cigar-shaped ships that patrol Earth. It was amazing. I was in a totally different state of mind than I had been at 14. By 33 I had fallen in love with Earth, humanity and the channeling process. I had been talking with interdimensional beings for years. With Pope Benedict endorsing extraterrestrial life as part of God’s creation, England and France releasing their UFO files online and Stephen Spielberg’s latest alien-loving-Indy-adventure, don’t you get the feeling like we are being prepared for diplomatic relations with our star friends? Wouldn’t it be great if many of us were prepared to open up communication? As we move into the galactic, multidimensional community, it’s going to take more than our 3D skills to empower us. Channeling is one easy way to shift our vibration and traverse a multidimensional reality. There is some controversy about channeling, but from my view, it is just interdimensional friendship. Learning how to navigate relationship through the dimensions takes practice and development, much like navigating relationships in 3D. It can be challenging, but my experience is that once you figure it out, it’s a blissful breeze. You can channel anything from your Higher Self, to deceased relatives, to angels, to guides, to plants, to crystals, to intergalactic beings, to God. It’s up to you. Direct contact with Spirit is your birthright. As a race we have mostly forgotten this, and so many of us are afraid of it. What if we talk to dark entities? What if we are taken over? What if I lose my grip on reality? Can I trust the information? I’ve heard these concerns and more, so I hope to address a few of those issues as well as lend my perspective and experience on the beauty of channeling. WHAT IS CHANNELING? My working definition is that channeling is relationship with Spirit. This can involve it speaking through you, to you, or you communicating to it. Channeling is a form of healing work, requiring that you learn how to tune your frequency to match your goal and requiring that you have integrity within the practice. It is there to assist you in your growth and the planet’s growth. Guides choose to work with you because of common goals. The guides and you align your purpose together to create more peace and balance in the world and universe. When you shift your vibration and intend that a guide talk to you, you are experienced as an antenna of light, requesting clearer communication. So, if you want to talk to high level guides, (which is probably a good idea) you will practice raising your vibration by powerful meditative techniques, like chakra or merkaba spinning, heart meditations, yoga, playing music, singing, or dancing with joy; anything where you can quickly enter into an altered state. If you don’t know how to tune your frequency you could start channeling lower astral energies, deceased people, or lower level guides, who while may not be “evil” may not exactly be what you are looking for. However, if you become adept at channeling, it can be useful to talk with lower level energies to find out what they want so you can ask them to leave or help them evolve, you become their guide. You can also begin to recognize who is well intentioned and evolved and who is not. If you don’t practice, you will never learn the discernment necessary to traverse the worlds. Through practice, you will begin to understand how you operate at a higher vibrating level, and that higher vibrating you becomes integrated into your physical being. Your Higher Self becomes more of you, calling the shots. You walk in effortless alignment with your highest wisdom. Let me tell you, when your 3D reality is not in line with your Higher Self, but you are on the spiritual path, havoc can be created in order for you to learn lessons and get you on track. The more you are communicating as one with your Higher Self, the less trauma you are in for. One thing I have learned over the years is that almost everyone can channel. I teach workshops regularly and no one has walked out not being able to do it. But, you must learn the way in which you communicate. Some people receive images and visual stories, some feelings, art or music, and some words. Some do a combination. Over time you can learn how to receive all ways. Your guides are working with you during your most creative moments, sending thought or feeling impulses to you to inspire you and push you to the next level. One of the most joyful experiences for me is watching my students receive this connection for the first time. Some people are very, very blocked, and will need to do more emotional work or growth before they can open up. But that should be seen as an opportunity, not a setback. HOW DO YOU REMAIN EMPOWERED WHEN CHANNELING? There are a few great ways to do this. 1. Set your intention that you are the boss of your body. 2. Intend that all channeling be done through your Higher Self or Creator. 3. Intend that all guides you channel be for your highest good and development. High level guides have no interest in dominating or overtaking you. When channeling your guides or Higher Self, the information coming through should match the frequency of your soul, providing a resonance that establishes further self contact. It is this resonance that allows you to stay present and in control, so you are not dominated by the energy you are channeling. You know you are losing contact with yourself and your guide when the channeling loses that special energy, the words are not effective, it becomes negative or you get sleepy or bored. Some would say not to let a guide speak through you. But I would guess they never had a high level guide communicating profound words of love and even more profound frequencies of love and ecstasy through their body. Would I do that first? No, but over time, you will recognize when you can simply allow the blessed energy of a high level guide in your body and energy field. THE NAME GAME: ARE MY GUIDES FAMOUS? You wont always get a name for your guide(s). Names are not a big deal in the other dimensions and if they do give you a name, it’s most likely because it sounds right for you. It’s not something to get stuck on. But then there are the famous guides, the Ascended Masters and Angels who do like to pop in. We all like being recognized by famous people, so if they don’t just come to you, call them in! But don’t get attached to the name or reputation of your guide. Just enjoy the connection and the lessons. Unlike Hollywood, you don’t have to know someone or be famous yourself to connect with the Ascended Masters. We all are special in Creator’s eyes and deserve guidance. Taking this further, it is important to stay grounded with this work, to continue to enjoy the presence of your friends on earth. The best use for channeling is using what you’ve learned to make a better life in the physical both for yourself and humanity. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF WHAT YOU ARE CHANNELING IS REAL OR MADE UP? At first, you don’t, and you shouldn’t expect it. You just have to practice as much as possible. Over time, you can see the areas that were accurate, and the ones that weren’t. You can remember what it felt like to channel the accurate information, and what it felt like to channel the inaccurate information. Ask questions that do not hold a lot of charge for you. In other words, if you are dying to get married and you have just met someone you are very attracted to, you probably shouldn’t start with, “Will Betty and I get married?” It’s a loaded question, you are invested in the outcome, and your emotional energy will be stronger than your clarity. Chances are you will hear, “Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!!” Or, “No way, she’s a man eater just like all the others!” After awhile, however, you can ask these questions and expect to get good answers. You and your guides will be very familiar with each other. Of course the answers will be growth focused, so you might not hear a yes or no, but a lesson in discernment and patience. One of the best ways to get immediate feedback is by channeling for others. My students are always surprised but how they are able to do meaningful and relevant channelings for others on their first try. Guidance from high level guides is always uplifting and always about your growth. You will not be protected from a difficult lesson if it is the best way for you to learn it. Your Higher Self is calling the shots, so as I mentioned before, getting to know and integrate that part of you is essential for an easier ride. DEALING WITH “LOWER LEVEL” BEINGS Disclaimer: I do not really see things as lower and higher, its just that English doesn’t offer great alternatives and everyone understands this hierarchical setup. That being said, just like in 3D, there are all kinds out there! Better to know what to do when you encounter a being that is not for your highest good. You simply say, “No thank you,” dismiss them and raise your vibration more to attract a higher level guide. Trust your intuition on this one. High-level guides always uplift you. If you feel confused by the energy you are communicating with, better to dismiss it and raise your vibration. Again, over time you will gain the understanding of how to distinguish energies, and attune yourself accordingly. You may channel unhealed energies and you may even take them on. It’s helpful to work with a supervising healer or teacher who is more knowledgeable than you to get you through the rough spots. You will learn and become more and more empowered. I recently channeled a lower level, very angry being. I dismissed him and raised my vibration, nobody got hurt. I learned what it felt like to do that, to trust myself more and to develop more confidence. If you are further interested in dealing with entity attachment, please read this article: SELF CARE Whenever you consistently raise your vibration, you need to support yourself on a physical level. You will need more nutrition, especially your minerals. Fulvic and Humic acids are the best way to re-mineralize after channeling. Exercise keeps you strong and grounded, the stronger you are, the higher the vibration you can channel. Contact with Nature keeps you energized, grounded and supported. Once you have opened up these psychic connections, you must be careful with whom you spend your time, how you manage your energy and your drug and alcohol intake should all but stop. Oftentimes when you are channeling your guide team will sneak in DNA upgrades, vibrational promotions or other healings. Be prepared to listen to your body’s needs as it handles these transitions. The most important thing is to remember that you are still a human being and so you need to pay attention to your body and your human relationships to stay grounded. HOW TO CHANNEL As with any spiritual teaching, it is best learned when the teaching is passed on to you in person. This is because all of the energy and protection that the teacher has, and their teachers have, comes with the technique. You will have more energy and support and it will be easier to do. So, if you have someone in your community who teaches it, go and do it. When I teach my classes, I lead people through a ceremony to meet their guide. This sets a sacred container for growth and empowerment. But, I will give a simplified version of channeling so you are aware of the general process. Technique and process will vary with different teachers and traditions. The first step, as always, is setting sacred space and protection. I have found calling the in the directions to be the most effective methods for protection. If you do not already do this, go to a ceremony with strong Elders and have the teaching passed to you. If you channel on a daily basis, you do not always have to make a big production out of creating sacred space, it is something that you begin to carry within, and your intention can create a circle of protection quickly and effectively. Remember you will have to release the directions and close sacred space when you finish. After creating your sacred space, use your favorite meditative practice to alter your consciousness. With your intention, call in the highest level guide to assist you in your growth at this time. Ask that this guide be approved by your Higher Self, and that it speak through your Higher Self to you. Take a pen and paper, write a question, and let your mind go as your pen begins to write the words. This is a telepathic communication, so you wont necessarily hear the words like you would in life. It’s a delicate balance of tuning out your mind and surrendering to the telepathic thought impulses, as well as staying present and empowered in your body. As you write, the first words may come out jarbled, or poetic. Don’t judge, just keep writing. Learn how it feels to surrender to the experience without giving up your power. When it comes to your body, you call the shots. You can use your intention to call in many different types of beings and dimensions. You will find that guides will come to you and want to talk. You can try speaking the words instead of writing. More energy will flow and it’s easier to tune out your mind and enjoy the process. Guides will send thought impulses, images, memories and emotions to help you. You can sing it, play it, speak it, draw it, or create it in any medium. They use what is already in your mind to create a new perspective or lesson. So the more you grow and learn, the more they have to work with and the more energy you can handle. Then practice a lot. You will notice when you channel that it is easy to shift your vibration. This is because your guide is sending you a boost of energy to assist in shifting your consciousness, making you more receptive to the channeling. A relationship begins to develop. Each time you channel it becomes easier and easier. I practiced every morning for months before I could see patterns. After about two years of channeling, my healer downloaded a new technique from my guides to help me open even more. He helped create a clearer pathway and I was off and running. After that session the words flowed like a regular conversation and I began to offer one on one channeling sessions and group channelings. I was able to tune out my own personal agenda completely and ask difficult questions. More importantly, I was able to accept answers that led me in a totally different direction than I had wanted to go. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM CHANNELING To try and summarize all that I have learned would be impossible. But, I think the coolest part of it was feeling like I was in a mystery school designed specifically for me. My Higher Self and guides taught me how to develop psychic skills and healing skills, how to shift from linear thinking to spherical thinking, they especially helped me with relationships and not defaulting into old patterns. They helped me get out of my projected idea of how the healing process should look, and showed me how it actually works for me. After a few years of channeling, I made deal with my Higher Self and guide team that they would tell me if a man was a good potential mate, since I seemed to not be able to do that myself. They meticulously told me, most of the time crushing my spirits, but they were always right and each time I learned a deeper lesson about my own patterning. What an empowering process! Now I no longer need to ask, I learned it. They helped me develop even deeper contact with my soul, my essence and my purpose. They helped me with self-confidence in my healing practice and are always there to call on if I need spiritual supervision with clients before or after a session. Most importantly, I became confident in my unique and personal way of communicating with and relating to spirituality. I feel comforted and taken care of at all times, deeply loved, important and part of Creator’s expression. My ability to feel my own divinity has multiplied a thousand times over. I never feel alone and I trust myself. These days my channeling has opened up to galactic service. With the presence of Star Family all around us, I already feel part of the galactic community, prepared and educated for the upcoming changes. I don't need to stand on top of the Andes and shout, I just need to meditate. I am able to access my direct connection to Spirit's love and wisdom whenever I need. Channeling is your ticket to mastering how to shift your vibration to access different realities, different guides and beings and bring it all into the awareness of your heart. Instead of feeling like you are in a million places at once, it all gets reconciled in the non- dualistic, all encompassing space of the heart. You are literally experiencing the universe within. The outer becomes the inner and vice versa. To me this is freedom. (c) CC Treadway 2009-10. All rights reserved.
December 2014