By CC Treadway We all have places where we just cant seem to manifest what we want in the timing that we want it. These are the places that may hold the most karma, the most trauma, the most frustration. But today I wanted to go deeply into a subject of illusion as a trickster substitute for actual physical manifestation.
![]() Never before have I loved and hated life so much. HA! Let’s just be honest. The conscious path is one of true paradox. It doesn’t really make life easier. The conscious path is like any other obsession. It wakes you up in the morning, and keeps you from going to bed at night. The endless self-discovery and need to solve all the mysteries of life is a daunting task, but you feel me. I don’t think I need to go into the planetary activity going on. Don’t get me started on the solar flares. By CC Treadway As we collectively enter into the feminine, I am struck by my own experience that has led me to understand, and understand deeply, what this means. Recently, after arguably one of the hottest weeks in NYC, I drove up to the Catskills to stay with an old friend and her family. I had not seen this friend in almost twenty years, but she and her family are more significant in my life than I could possibly convey in words. This family, the Wilkinsons, made me a part of their family when my own family life had fallen apart. By CC Treadway In 2008 a group of lightworkers led by Drunvalo activated the Unity Grid on the south pacific island of Moorea. It was a simple ceremony, and we haven’t looked back since. A few months later many of us checked in with each other. What seemed clear was that everyone felt more love in the world, felt it as a palpable force of support. Mission accomplished. HEALING THE ABANDONMENT ABYSS, PART 1
By CC Treadway Abandonment. For those of us who have experienced this most intense of all wounds, we know how serious it is. I have found in my healing practice that when it comes down to it, everyone is dealing with abandonment, whether it comes in the form of the fear of rejection, the habitual pattern of love avoidance or good old fashioned codependency and love addiction. From my observations, even those that claim to not experience it really do, it’s just more shrouded. What is so heartbreaking to see is the judgment and shame that people place on it, not knowing that their reactions are normal. It hurts to be left, but we usually internalize the rejection, making ourselves wrong and unlovable. The good news is that this universal wound is actually something manageable and healable. One of my biggest teachers has been the abandonment wound. Coming clean with myself about it and lifting the judgment around it has been one of the most powerful healing responses for both my clients and myself. I continue to grow and learn from it. The fact is codependency is the model we are given for relationship, so its not just the super wounded who need to look at it. However, people who have had early childhood abandonment or abuse will have a more difficult time coping with it as an adult, and yet their system will be patterned for it, so they may find they are reliving brutal rejection and mistreatment time after time, with no tools and no hope to recover or change. Some events that can trigger this old and unhealed wound are a breakup, a death, being fired, a friendship suddenly ending or an intimate partner or friend who is emotionally unavailable. As a healer and a human, I wanted to dive as deeply into the healing of this wound as I could. Coming Clean with Myself Years ago, after a debilitating breakup that left me completely bereft, I devoted myself to healing it. I was sick of feeling awful and powerless, sick of feeling ashamed of my real needs, exhausted from covering up the pain for so long. Of course it wasn't just this breakup, it was ancient, it had always been with me. So I spent five full months tracking when feelings of abandonment would surface. Sometimes it was triggered by an event as simple as saying goodbye to a friend after a movie, other times it would just come over me with no warning. Mostly it was triggered by the loss of that relationship and what that said about my ability to trust myself, and as it turned out, God. When you get hit by that wound, the mildest reaction is just feeling a bit of sad, lonely discomfort. The most intense reaction is that you feel as though you are completely lost and alone and you must be fed by an external source to survive, addictive feelings begin to control you. It feels like there is nothing supporting you, and nothing to fall back on. It feels like every person in your life doesn’t love you enough or the right way. You begin to try and control your environment and monitor other’s behaviors. It is unhealed child consciousness at its strongest. You must find a primary care giver or you will die. That is the intensity of the emotion. Sick of trying to cover it up, I finally had to surrender to the experience. I wanted to know just how much it was controlling me. I knew that I would be healing it on a deeper level rather than just applying coping mechanisms, or talking myself out of it. After this heartbreak, I felt an emptiness and hopelessness inside that was unending and inconsolable, but I had felt this before. Taking responsibility for and confronting the abandonment wound is saying that you are willing to face your deepest fear, your deepest pain. While many things happened in my life to assist in healing this pain, it was my unyielding commitment to the process that brought that about. The Abandonment Abyss In those moments where the pain would hit me, I would just sit with myself as the adult, caring witness. I found myself in a deep, black abyss of nothing. It was petrifying at first. And then my child consciousness would appear, crying her eyes out. At the same time that my child consciousness suffered, blamed and cried, my adult consciousness would witness with infinite love, patience and understanding. I had to be strong. I did this again and again and again, sometimes every few minutes in a day. One time I had to do it for almost three days straight. It was not easy at all, in fact one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I did not let my child take over by affecting my adult behavior. I did not let her “go to the empty well for a drink” as my healer would say. The empty well would be something like trying to get attention from my ex-boyfriend, even if it was ultimately unsatisfying and hurtful. It would have been reaching for ice cream, or talking on the phone non-stop, or not taking responsibility and blaming him. For others it might be drugs, cigarettes or meaningless sex. Without those vices, I found myself getting to the ultimate wounds- first, abandonment by parents and all the psychology around that, and then inevitably, abandonment by God. That pain was the core, it was unbearable, it was gut wrenching. I felt I had been rejected and betrayed by God, that I didn’t matter at all, the pain was excruciating. I had no choice but to sit with those feelings, to really feel them, to let them out, to hear them. I sat with this pain a lot. I wanted to be completely unafraid of it. And after some time it was enough. A huge relief washed over me. It was like the weight of the world lifted out of me, making room for the warm, comforting presence of the Divine. It happened automatically, with no preconceived idea that it would. I was overjoyed and felt so cared for. I could feel God within me, filling me, healing me. That was what I really wanted. The abandonment abyss is what most people are doing anything to avoid, but the truth is, if you face it, it passes. And once you get through it, it gets easier and easier. Abandonment as Your Ally Now, the interesting thing is that abandonment has become my ally. Whenever it gets triggered, and it still gets triggered, an instant self love reaction takes place. I had no idea this would happen. Each time I am able to touch deeper parts of the beloved within. The best part is that it’s no one else’s responsibility, so I’ve got the power. Trusting that we are loved and cared for in the midst of chaos takes this practice to a whole new level. It’s challenging, but it’s the only way I know to feel safe. Abandonment Is a Creative Tool The other great thing about abandonment is creativity. The best tool we can have right now is our creativity. We will need it to navigate the new world. As our dependency on a corrupt system is crumbling, we need to create the new. Songs, writing, drawing, new business based on love…. all can fill up that seemingly empty void and there is enough for all. This channeling from my guide team describes how abandonment and creativity are linked. Channeling: You hold a lot of power as you honor yourself, as you love all parts of yourself. For so long you have tried to eradicate abandonment and now what you are doing is just simply letting go of the idea that it is wrong, it is a gift of story for you as a human, it is a great teacher and there is infinite space and colors in the wound of abandonment. Can you feel the limitless possibilities of creation in the space of abandonment? Can you feel that within yourself - how profound a feeling it is to sit in that space of longing, of emptiness, of pain that seems to stretch as wide as you could possibly fee? Well it is no accident, it is Creators choice, your choice to experience this pain and create within it. There are so many possibilities in life but this vacancy is the abyss. This vacancy is the abyss. And so as you bring forth your creations in this void of voids, you heal, you make more room for yourself, for your expansion, for your colors, for your music, and as you bring in the creativity, divine love pours from your soul, reminding you of who you are, reminding you that this is all temporary and it is a gift. For creativity is divine. It is direct food, the elixir of your being. Feel the gratitude for such a unique expression of who you are, for such a deep experience of your fullness, your completeness in the vacancy. Do not fear this place, but use it now. Use it to heal. For you understand now, that it is not just there to torture you but to serve you into your highest potential. The abandonment wound opens up limitless space for your creations, for you. You can bring in the love, let it shower the pain, let it heal the pain, but only when you accept that this emptiness, this loneliness is there as a gift to serve you as a human can you experience the joy of being abandoned, only to discover you are more than you were before. I know what you are thinking, “How could that be joyful?” but we tell you, humanity is just simply irreplaceable, impossible to replicate, it’s perfect. Thank yourself for choosing this crazy pain, this crazy bliss and create within it. So the next time you feel someone has left you, the next time you feel you need someone else to fill that empty hole, make it bigger, make that pain as big and wide as you can and start to create. Fill it up, paint the canvas, pick up the guitar, cook a meal, or simply feel every particle of your being expand. This is experiential, you must try it. There is purpose in every experience here. Don’t waste it. Let it fill you, let it be you, choose it again and again, every day. Choose your creative longing to expand within. Choose your humanity. Be proud of who you are, even in your darkest moments you are so brave to live this challenge. We sit in awe of your strength, of your efforts, of your potential. Coming Back into Community That channeling was so reassuring to me. Through the healing of this wound, and the commitment to tend to it, create from it and love myself, I was able to receive true friendship, true partnership and true community. Life naturally opened up to the bounty of the Universe and I was never alone again. (c) 2007- 2011 CC Treadway. A POWER: WHY WE WANT IT, WHY WE RUN FROM IT
Part One By CC Treadway MANY OF US DESIRE POWER, BUT MOST OF US RUN FROM IT, WHY? While in my healing training, and later in my practice, I heard student after student express that they wanted to be in their power, but were afraid that if they really got into it they would be killed, or they would do something horrible. I doubt there is a person out there that doesn’t, at some point, shake in their boots at the thought of their own success. Power brings up images of total happiness, or total misery, of disagreeing with the authority or achieving a powerful position in our system, of being selfless in our actions, or of being greedy and controlling, of developing a huge heart, or of being heartless. It is duality at its finest, multiplied to the infinite power. Childhood wounds play a big part in our fears, or our delusions of grandeur. We often keep ourselves small in a family to hold the tribe together. So, if being in your vibrant essence diminished your sister or mother and they somehow punished you for it, you might have decided that being invisible was a better option, but then fantasize about the day when you can be fully you again. The beliefs that create these roles can tap into the larger cultural belief and voila you have an automatic shut off valve when it comes to being seen in your fullness, and a powerful fantasy life about where you really should be. I of course have experienced all these fears myself. I cant get angry about this because I think learning how to find and manage your power is one of the keys to successfully navigating the human landscape. I volunteered to come here, so I am willingly dealing with the landscape. Getting knocked down a few times is par for the course. The good news is, you can get back up if you really want to. I wouldn’t be writing this article if this issue were not close to my heart. I have longed to be big my whole life, and had moments of grand applause, achievements and record setting. I have also been ridiculed, judged, teased, punished and put down for that power. Jealousy is normal, but my sensitive heart couldn’t stand it. Any time I upset someone when I was strong, or won the blue ribbon, I felt so guilty. I would try to bring myself down the status quo to be liked, which of course didn’t work. Then I hated myself and was bored with the company I kept. Over the years I stopped doing this, but it has been a journey of trial and error. BUT WHY ARE WE SO AFRAID? LET ME TELL YOU A STORY. Years ago, at the beginning of my private healing practice, I took it slow as far as the amount of clients I took on, but one day, I decided I wanted a full time practice. I told my guides, and they told me I should wait, but I didn’t listen. I put it out there to the universe, took a business course and within a few weeks I had brought my practice up to full time. I thought to myself, “Ha ha! I have outsmarted my guides!” Which, as we all know, is a ridiculous statement on the way to your personal train wreck. But, how could I be wrong? I was so happy, loving what I was doing, making a difference in people’s lives. The joy! The calls just kept coming and I felt like I had arrived. And then one day, during a very busy day, a client was late and did not call. Without warning, I snapped. I was horrified that he could disrespect me like that, I was even more horrified that I was so horrified. When he finally did call, I was so out of sorts I didn’t answer. Shaking and confused at my reaction, I had to ask, “What just happened?” But the reaction didn’t get any better, only worse. Over the coming weeks I was in a state of total meltdown. I was not used to the power and responsibility that came with so many new clients. My energy field was collapsing from overload. Every waking moment was spent thinking about my work, and even during my sleep I was still doing healing work on my clients. I felt completely taken over and out of control with no room for myself. With my energy field now in a state of collapse I had nothing protecting me. My shadow aspects were being hit with unforgiving force and the only protection I had was raw, primal rage. My practice came to a screeching halt as I realized I was in over my head. The rage was nameless, and stayed with me in full force for almost 4 weeks until I finally surrendered in tears in the loving arms of my healer. I was so humbled by the strength of my defense, I didn’t even recognize myself and I certainly felt like a loser of a healer. Worse, I really didn’t know what was going on with me, why any of this was happening. There was a major mystery within my psyche I had to get to, but I felt very far from achieving that. THE CURRENT OF EVIL One night, during this time, as I was trying to go to sleep, which was almost impossible, I recognized that I was standing on the precipice of power. I saw power as a current of energy at the foot of my bed. At that moment I thought, “If I don’t stand in the current I’m going to miss the lesson.” I was scared to death to do it because I already was a raging, defenseless mess. But when I stepped into it, I experienced a purity and strength I had never felt before. There was absolutely no emotion attached to this energy. I was invincible, and it was totally amazing. The best part? I had zero guilt, and knew that if I chose to stay in this energy the whole concept of having a conscience would disappear in a matter of minutes. I stood in that current a bit longer and felt like waving my fist and shouting, “MUAAAH, the POWER!!” I knew then how it felt to be a cold and violent leader. I really did feel like some omnipresent God, in charge of everything. Because I was in rage when I stepped into that current, the energy turned to unfiltered Evil. Evil, I now believe, is a force in the universe of total purity, and it is not an accident. I don’t know why it was created, but it is there, and if we haven’t healed enough, we may go right there and stay there. In that moment I understood how so many of the psychopathic leaders we have today must feel---nothing. Feeling nothing with all that power is a relief, the detachment is liberating. It was just like all those vampire movies and TV shows I inhale: I was the top of the food-chain, bloodthirsty, guilt free and drunk with power. If you came from generations of unfeeling forefathers, or generations of pain and trauma never healed, you might choose The Current of Evil forever. I learned more in that 5 minutes than I could have imagined. But I made a decision right then, and that was that I would not return to that level of power until the love in my heart was stronger, and the unconscious rage had been healed. I stepped out of the vampire current, forever changed, knowing the journey ahead would be long, unpredictable, and possibly painful. I did not trust myself for a long time and all but stopped my healing work. Over time I did discover the origin of the rage. The trauma took time and patience to reveal itself. The clearing of that trauma allowed the anger to be directed correctly, and then healing could take place. And then, guess what? I trusted myself again to come into my power! We are afraid of our power because it is very, very strong. I truly believe, if our hearts are not as developed, if we are not grounded, if we are not smart enough, if we are not clear enough, we will use it unwisely. So if you are impatient with yourself, be patient instead and trust in your process. BEING IN YOUR POWER IS VULNERABLE IF YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT What about some of the other reasons to be scared of your power? Being in your power, and being a real leader is not easy these days, maybe it never was. When you amass personal power you often become the target of those who think what you are doing is wrong. Leaders, with all of their power, become the most projected on human beings alive. The “people” can be cruel. To rise in power, you must develop a thick skin, whether you are Mother Theresa or George Bush. There is an expectation to be perfect, and that is a subjective request. I can see how the Current of Evil would be appealing if you have big dreams, or if big things are expected of you. Feeling too much is a liability when you have to be strong through other’s hate and/or adoration. But that is the risk that humanity needs to take. I believe that not only do you need thick skin, but you need a jumbo-sized heart, because ultimately loving yourself will help you get through criticism, and love for others will help you hear the underlying messages in their complaints, and not reject those that may reject you. Being in a leadership position and putting yourself out there requires that you be able to love yourself no matter what because people will attack you and they wont all like you. Strangers will talk about you like they know you and like you don’t have feelings. You have to be ready for this. Getting to the place where you can be in your power and in your heart, not separating out to stay on top or safe, but remaining grounded and in touch with the rest of the people is a skill very few leaders have. That will be the main topic of Part Two of the Power Series: How to use the power current correctly for heart-based leadership. LIVING YOUR LIFE PURPOSE AND THE LINE OF INTENTION
By CC Treadway What kind of a person are you? Are you an idea person? Do you dream but not do? Or are you able to carry your visions forward and plant them deeply into the ground so they may grow into a tall tree, oxygenating the world around you? There are many factors as to why someone might not be able to carry out their vision in life including natal chart, childhood environment, trauma, lack of education, culture and more. But the good news is all of us are born with the tools to bring our great gifts to the world, some of us just haven’t found them yet. If you are unable to carry out your amazing visions, if you feel unsupported in the world, or stuck in a dead end job, or worse, if you find that every time you venture out to live your dream it is somehow sabotaged then read on. There are a million reasons why all of things might be happening, but they all can be overcome with the development of the line of intention. In my training, at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH), it was called the Hara Line. But I tend to call it the line of intention in my practice. We developed this line all four years of school, and the fourth year was dedicated to mastering it. THE LINE OF INTENTION If you are unsure what a line of intention is, let me explain. Have you ever watched an Olympic gymnast on the balance beam not make a wobble? Line of intention. Have you witnessed a great martial artist kick butt with total certainty? Line of intention. Human mastery lies in the direct experience of this line. The line of intention is the key to bringing your desires into physical world, the key to overcoming addiction, self-sabotage, victimhood and limiting beliefs. When you strongly align with your intention, the universe lines up to make it happen. I will explain it to you as it was explained to me at BBSH. This laser line of light, while mainly a state of being, runs “from the heavens to the earth through your body.” There are three main landing points within this line. One is about 6 inches above your head called the “ID Point.” This point holds the main purpose of your life and connects you to the spiritual worlds. The next point is between your throat and chest around the high heart area. It is called the “Soul Seat.” At this point lies your longings for this lifetime. Your dreams, your visions, your true soul desires are all anchored here. The next point lies two inches or so beneath your naval. This is called the “Tan Tien.” This point grounds you to the earth, and brings your purpose, dreams and longings into physical form. When you are in your intention you are in a place of simply “being the intention.” In other words it is not about wishing, wanting or dreaming, but being the desire. It is a non-emotionless place, a place of unlimited energy, a place of stability, strength and self confidence. Ever know someone who works well under pressure? They have a strong line of intention. The person who falls apart during times of stress will not have as strong of a line. You do not have to be smart, good or even highly educated to have a strong intention line, it is simply a state of being. Someone with a weak intention may see obstacles as insurmountable problems, or not be able to move past grief, while someone with strong intention knows there are solutions and works towards them. Emotional baggage can keep us from manifesting, but setting a strong intention catalyzes the process of healing that baggage, so that we can become clear. Once clarity and alignment are reached, the force of intention is free to bring into reality that which you desire. Having a strong intention will see us through obstacles that may be in our way to achieving our dreams. YOUR HIGHER SELF AND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE As I mentioned, just above the head lies your main life purpose and your connection to spirit. This is also where the seat of consciousness of the Higher Self lies. Now, your Higher Self knows your life purpose intimately. Connecting with your Higher Self reunites you with your reason for being here. It begins to remove the illusion that separates you from Source. Channeling your Higher Self allows you to have access to far greater knowledge of not only your life plan, but the cosmic plan. To paraphrase Dolores Cannon: “The Higher Self/Oversoul knows everything. It knows why you are here, it knows about all your lifetimes, and it is connected to Source, allowing it the information to know the divine plan.” Direct access to the life purpose is made with the connection to the Higher Self. The life purpose can be specific or it can be general. It can have an overriding theme of “service” or “the arts” or “finance”, and then all sorts of specifics underneath that, and then another layer of specifics under that that may or may not be played out. There are many paths within a life purpose. Some people get stuck on “it has to be this one specific thing” the truth is, free will allows you to explore how you want to express the life purpose. It’s easy to plan how things are going to go, but rarely does everything go according to plan! Our natal charts lay out a map, but how you express and navigate your journey is up to you. You can plan a trip to Hawaii and have all the details mapped out, but who knows how you will really feel once you get there. You could be led in many different directions. Or you may have booked your trip to Hawaii without much of a plan at all. The plan could simply be to enjoy what happens! You may have a clear agenda of learning to scuba dive so you can lead people on journeys. But the feeling of being in the water, having close contact with the animals and the depths of the sea instead inspires you to paint. Sometimes it’s hard to understand that we are co-creating with our life plan all the time. We do have the power to re-negotiate and change things if our desires lead us to that place. What doesn’t work is doing something we hate because we think we should. If you are tapped in to your higher self and soul energy, which most spiritual people are, then doing what you hate will probably make you very sick if its not leading towards what you love. FEELING INTO YOUR LONGINGS Most people are afraid to fully feel their desires, dreams and longings. It makes your chest ache, you think it will never happen or you had it once and it left. It might just be too painful, or if you are like many people on the spiritual path, there is some image of eradicating desires as the superior path. But I urge you to fully feel your longings with every cell of your being. I am always amazing at how much energy we spend trying to convince ourselves we don’t need something, or we shouldn’t need something. But engaging your emotional body in the process of living your purpose is where the yummies are at! The process of “eradicating desire” is an evolutionary path, like the Buddha achieved, not a forced practice based on a “should.” That just isn’t truthful. And if you are not truthful with yourself, nothing will move in the way you want. There is also a lot of information in those dreams. Many times we don’t even know we are not living our truth until we take a moment to truly feel our longings with our hearts and souls. The tears flow as the sweet surrender to the desire takes over and informs us of where we would like to be. I spent a lot of time trying to force myself to have a large healing practice, but every time I truly let myself feel into it, I was happy keeping it small. What I really wanted was time and space for myself to be creative. Getting your emotional body on board will help with the alignment process, making it much easier for the universe to line it all up for you! CONNECTING IT ALL TO EARTH Grounding is important for so many reason. You could think about bringing your purpose and your longings deep into the Earth as a planting process. If you allow action in the physical realms, your dreams will grow. You need to take care of your plants, water them, put them in the right environment and wait until they are rip to eat them. Then you can make delicious recipes or just eat them fresh. So many choices!! Many people envision their dreams going into the earth, but then forget the part where they need to get into action. It’s easy to get lost in setting your intention and feeling your longings but then never actually do anything about it! Action inspires confidence in yourself and in your body. Action gets you out there in the world making it much easier for the universe to meet you half way. ALIGNING WITH YOUR LIFE PURPOSE MAKES YOU STRONG When we are in alignment with our life purpose, manifesting becomes very easy. I wouldn’t even call it manifesting because that would imply a separation, it’s just being in the zone. There is way more energy pointing to the success of our life purpose than against it. That doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles. There could be many obstacles, and it is your line of intention that carries you through the obstacles. When you hit your point of doubt, you simply take a moment to realign with your path and you will start to understand what is going on and be able to get out of it easily. When clients get aligned with their life purpose everything begins to make sense. It’s that knowing. The feeling of alignment is strong, making it easy to get into action. When you know you are on the right path, you are more willing to make mistakes!! Making mistakes is an essential part of the school of earth, and seeing obstacles as challenges that can be overcome instead of signs that you shouldn’t move forward is a huge role of the line of intention. Sometimes when I am channeling my Higher Self I get very clear answers, and sometimes I just get the next step that will lead me to the answer. Either way is fine, because every time I talk with my higher self, I connect with my life purpose on an energetic level. There is a feeling, or a knowing I am doing the right thing and connected. Earth can be difficult, but if you remember why you came, and if you carry out that purpose, you will be happy. When you allow the vibration of the Life Purpose to infuse your line of intention to the core of the earth, then life starts to work out for you. SPIRITUAL PAYMENT:WHY IT WORKS MANIFESTING WONDERS
by CC Treadway I have been through such an amazing journey over the past year, as we all have, in regards to finances, manifesting and trusting in our soul’s path through uncertain times. But I have come to a place where the positive shift is consistently reflecting itself in financial abundance, so it is at that point that I’d like to share with you what I have learned about being abundant doing what you love. Not to be confused with killing yourself to be rich doing what you hate. The first article I wrote on the subject was “Pioneering the New Earth and Money,” next “Healing the Industrial Wound,” then “The Cauldron,” all essential steps in the abundance process. I would recommend that you read them before continuing. So much personal work must go into the journey of abundance, and I faced real darkness in the last year. Darkness so dark, that I will not write about it. I can only say that each person has their own version of this darkness. It is the place we have been hiding from our whole lives without really knowing it. This place must be confronted and brought to light. A great financial coach, Morgana Rae calls it, finding our “Money Monster.” Well, with the help of private healing sessions, I found my monster, and it was ugly. For me finding my Money Monster was as easy as sinking into that horrible feeling that would come up almost every time I thought about receiving money. It was stuck somewhere in the back of my mind. But facing it, tracing it and erasing it revealed the way to abundance. Then in comes the “Money Honey.” The Money Honey to me is the representation of the belief that you deserve to be loved unconditionally, in all ways, including financially! Please visit Morgana’s website for more information on this simple yet profound philosophy. Spiritual Payment Sacred offerings are an integral part of a harmonious life on this planet. I’m not talking tithing, although it is certainly related, I am talking making offerings to Mother Earth. From what I can tell, all ancient cultures practice this. If there is one thing I have learned from spending time with peoples who live close to the earth and practice the old ways, it’s that they take for granted the knowledge they have, like its obvious as to why things work. Here is a great video of the Kogi Mamos talking about spiritual payment. While I might be able to feel on one level why it works, I like to have a bit more information. What do you mean by offering? I mean, offering something bio-degradable that you care about to Mother Earth as a thank you for all that you have. I grew up in the Episcopalian church. We offered money to the church each Sunday. It was obvious to me why money worked. The church needed money to buy things like I needed money to buy things. This is easily understood in our culture. But after traveling with tribes and observing their culture, I wanted to try something different. I wanted to go to a much deeper level of abundance and cash was only part of the picture. I kept hearing my tribal brothers and sisters say, “Give back to the Earth, how can you keep taking and taking?” While I was turned off by the accusatory tone, I decided to give it a try because history had taught me that major mojo was behind their wishes. I just wanted it to be real and from my heart. What would I offer? It felt a little phony to me. After all, why should I offer something that was already made by Nature? Why give back what was already hers? Would she even care if I gave her something or not? Did I really have anything to offer? I was surprised at my resistance. I had offered tobacco many times in ceremony, but I wanted to offer what really felt right to me. So I asked Mother Earth what she wanted. She told me, “Honey.” I couldn’t tell you why, but that felt really right. I love honey and gratitude inexplicably welled up in my soul. Upon a little bit of research, I found that honey has been offered to Spirit for as long as there is recorded history. There’s a reason honey is called “Nectar of the Gods.” Making offerings is not bribery as modern thought might suggest. It is not “giving to get something.” It is not about some voracious God/Goddess that we must appease. There is more to it. The Abundance Circuit What happens alchemically when you offer to the Earth? Here is what Mama told me: When you offer to me something in the physical that I can digest, our relationship becomes real on a physical level. I know where you are, I know then how to work with all the resources available to me so that your dreams come true. I always feel your love. But love is expansive, non-local. When you place your love into something physical, it becomes focused and easy for me to understand. You are speaking to me in my language. As well as this connection allows us a more profound relationship on the physical level, this also works with the natural cycle of things. Giving and receiving are a cycle, one that must be continually nurtured. You ask, I give, you receive, you enjoy, I ask, you give, I receive, I enjoy, you ask, I give etc. It creates a circuit. In this way the cycle is never broken, and you are not left bereft. You are aware of the cycle and we continually dialogue and feel with each other. The flow of abundance is a circuit. In order for it to work properly, this circuit must be hooked in to. I thought this was very interesting, because indeed, I had felt Mother Earth asking me for things, and this was a new experience. She would ask that I love myself more, she would gently tug at me to sit and offer honey, she would remind me that I never had to be without, she pushed me to relax and enjoy myself and to give myself time to be creative an expressive. These were her requests, not suggestions, not demands. I started obliging. Why not? Offering at The Hearth When I feel the call, I go to the hearth, which for me is in my backyard, and sit on Mother Earth facing the fire. I call in the directions and offer in gratitude a bit of honey. I place it directly in the fire pit. Opening my channel, Mother Earth and I have a conversation. It’s really great actually, to have this time. It feels very natural, and truly everyone can have it. Sometimes I pray, sometimes I spend the whole time thanking her, sometimes I ask for things, sometimes I receive information, sometimes we chat, whatever comes up that day. I found this process deepened my trust in abundance and receiving and made me very joyful. Since I started doing this my bank acct has been full. I can be working/playing in the garden, come inside and see a $500 sale on my e-store. The more fun I have, the wealthier I am! And not just material wealth, but amazing opportunities started coming my way. I was asked to host a radio show, speak on a national tour on consciousness and more. Growing a Conscious Business The sacred offering as spiritual payment to Mother Earth is an essential step to coming out of separation and into Unity. You see, I am growing my conscious business, and talking to others about consciously growing their business, but I will not do it without Mother Earth’s guidance. I will not continue to destroy our home out of ignorance, laziness or deliberation. But I will also not retreat into the woods and live like my ancestors did, thousands of years ago. I have embraced technology and I enjoy living as a member of a global community. My clients and friends are from all over the world. I only hope this continued prayer, and this continued dialogue with Mother Earth informs my decisions, and helps create a vibration supportive to innovative and sustainable technology on a mass scale. Left Brain Work: Laying the Foundation Now, I also got many systems up and running in the left brained fashion to prepare for this new way of being. I created a new, more streamlined website, an e-store, an automated scheduler for private sessions, a Magical Manifestation tele-class, and a Channeling Certification program. I also educated myself financially by reading all sorts of books and working with a business coach, James Roche. I created a conscious business support group with colleagues I trusted. Everything was in place. When I finally went to the hearth, it was like opening the door, and all started flowing through, landing neatly in its place. The best part? I could now receive, because my Money Monster wasn’t there to stop it. Instead, I had my Money Honey fully supporting this wild adventure of living my purpose. Before I close I will give you a loose guideline for a happily abundant life. The Breakdown Steps to Manifesting, not necessarily in this order: 1. Commit to being successful at what you love: your passion drives your success 2. Find Money Monster/Money Honey 3. Lay left brained foundation 4. Lay right brain foundation: The Cauldron 5. Hook into “The abundance circuit” I’ll keep you posted if I find any more steps, till then may your life be on track, in love and full of abundance. (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. THE SACRED SPACE WITHIN
by CC Treadway The cauldron is a mythical place that lives within us. It is the feminine home where ideas are churned, where creativity bubbles in the soul. Without attention to this most sacred of places, the dreams and visions we cook up cannot be supported in the world. The Cauldron reveals itself when we are willing to be still, when we are willing to sit in the seat of our deepest longings, when we courageously face our pain and when we surrender to our joy. The Cauldron cannot be forgotten in our pursuit of success and change, for it lovingly guides us with the power of the Mother, our greatest nurturer. Often this liquid brew is elusive. Collectively, we experienced the expulsion of the principle, and powerlessly watched our world deteriorate. When we hear our teachers tell us the feminine is returning, we only have to look within ourselves to find this Holy Grail, the primordial water that is within us bubbles forth like a knowing fairy. We may have thought she didn't exist, but she was there all along. Silently, but patiently waiting for the time we would be ready to serve her again. To stir the cauldron, and then not serve it to the world would be a crime. The beauty that is each of our soul's gifts is a succulent cup meant for other's to drink of and taste. But there is no pressure in our inner concoction, only the pleasure of feeling the gift of the Goddess as our source of inspiration. As I grow to new heights in my work and in life, returning to the Cauldron for a drink is what keeps me sane, it is my form of meditation, is restores me to my essential self so I can keep going, keep giving, keep striving. My partner and I began our spring planting on the equinox. What better way to be immersed in the vast well of abundance our Mother has to offer. What a joy it was to witness that the leftover foods I had received through the winter had transformed into soil through composting, to assist in growing more food. In those moments I feel in complete harmony with the gifts offered from the Cauldron. I am consciously co-creating with the ecosystem, an integral part, shamelessly full of gratitude. How could I not marvel at what is already available to us, without an ounce of modern technology? Keeping this connection to the Cauldron allows me guilt free growth, because as I keep our beautiful home, Earth, close to my heart, I cannot betray her. I can only be informed, day by day, the most harmonious choices to my full expression of self, love, friendship and business. May you drink from your Cauldron each day so that you are forever filled. CC Treadway Copyright 2010 CC Treadway. All rights reserved. HEALING THE INDUSTRIAL WOUND WITH CONSCIOUS BUSINESS
By CC Treadway I hear Mother Earth’s call every day. The enjoyment from spending time with her fills me from the inside out. Then I hear the call of Father Sky, the Universe, and the call from other species in the Universe, our relatives from abroad. I feel the call of technology and progress pushing me to new heights, making it possible to connect with those relatives. Then I feel that familiar block, the one that says technology and progress is killing the planet. And I stop moving forward. THE INDUSTRIAL WOUND The industrial wound is preventing us from moving forward into our future. But to trace our reluctance for the healers to commit to being part of society and financially empowered, let us go back, way back to the time of the Roman/Catholic Empire. The brainwashing that has been done cannot be underestimated. Caucasians were brainwashed into thinking their ancestors were barbarians and savages, to the point that they completely cut off from their genetic history. They were also brainwashed by the church that being wealthy was a sin. The belief if you did God’s work, you could not be wealthy was rampant. The Catholic Church and royal families were laughing all the way to the bank. Over the generations, the brainwashing was so complete that no one wanted to be a barbarian, but no one wanted to be rich either. That was for a select few royalty, and in those times, no one but the royal families had any hope of being wealthy. Of course an association of wealth with cruelty would be embedded into our minds. The religious royalty made all the rules and created a society based on taxes, debt and persecution. The tribal people were forced, or eased into a passive financial mentality against their will or unconsciously. It was like dying of carbon monoxide poisoning. Before they knew it, they were simply asleep. Sound familiar? It’s righteous, evil genius, and it has happened all over the world. When emigration of Europeans to the Americas began, the Europeans were already a conquered and brainwashed people, completely convinced their lifestyle was the right one. And yet the democratic society is based on the Iroquoi government. Even Donald Trump honors this in his book, “Why We Want You to be Rich.” It’s a good read, by the way. However, due to the persecution in Europe, the one vast improvement in the creation of the United States was its ability for people of all backgrounds to rise up and create what they want. Anyone could be wealthy if they wanted. But, so utterly convinced of their superiority (due to their previously mentioned brainwashing) most were happy to do away with the natives they met. So convinced that tribal people were sub-human, they also felt completely justified in having Africans as their slaves. Their connection to their tribal roots been severed already and replaced with religious and cultural doctrine. This continues today. It makes it very hard to be proud of being Caucasion in today’s world. And yet the recollection of that pride, from the ground up is what we need to heal. Here we are now, in the land of opportunity, the United States of America, allowed to move up in class and wealth with no connection to nature or our roots. The energy of free human beings cannot be measured. It’s happening today in China. But when the industrial revolution hit the US, energetic Americans had no idea how to handle technology in a sustainable way. Our natural instincts to be in harmony with the earth were eradicated, but our natural instincts to create, invent and grow were exploited. At least both weren’t destroyed. What we find through the Druid and Celtic revivals is that our European tribal ancestors were wise, were similar to the Native Americans that were alive and well upon the arrival of the Europeans. Druids were awakened to the relevance of their own history when they learned of the native peoples. The awakening of the memory is further released through ceremony with nature. The evolution of these instincts occurs when we do not reject our technology and economics, but infuse the new system with our connection to Mother Earth. Tribal life meant a lot fighting to protect lands and clans, the life force and energy was raw and alive. As romantic as that sounds, most people nowadays would prefer peace and freedom. INDUSTRIAL GUILT There is no way, with our natural instincts to be in harmony with Mother Nature, that we do not collectively feel guilt around our behavior. This can polarize people into denying it or trying to fix it by rejecting technological progress. But where did this urge come from to usurp humanity’s connection to itself? Some would site it to an extraterrestrial race with selfish interests in Earth and humanity. But where is that force coming from? Were we created as a slave race? We don’t have the answer to these questions, we only have choices in this moment. It’s easy to blame an outside source for our problems, easier even to blame extra terrestrials. I only know that the way out of slavery comes from empowerment, from overcoming hatred, victimhood and blame, upshifting our vibration and evolving the game to a level of truth. There is another way to come out of persecution, and that is for those with privilege and power to take responsibility for that power and use it wisely, inspiring those in poverty and victimhood to rise up. You can be the Abraham Lincoln of the 21st century, or you can be oblivious to the power that you have. Leadership takes work. WHY CONSCIOUS BUSINESS? It's simple. Those with the most money have the most influence on policy. I’d like to be in the game to make a positive influence. And all people, women, men, black, white, tribal, Asian etc., can do it now. I’d like to play big. I recently stayed at my fathers place in New York City, I had spent so much time rebelling against my economist father, that I had never bothered to read any of his thousands of books on the subject. My father, Peter Treadway PhD, in an extremely successful and respected economist and fihistorian. While I may sometimes think my father experiences life primarily through money and numbers, I only had to read a few chapters of a few books to feel like an uneducated dummy. What I concluded was that everyone should be economically educated and wealthy. The effects of economics on societies and culture is so significant, we are completely disempowered if we are not engaged. Poor people are passive in their approach to money. Rich people are active. By default the poor good guys feel like they are fighting the rich bad guys. And that’s just so boring by now. Healers, artists and activists, this is where you get to fit in to the new world. And don’t act like you don’t want to. We all want to feel we belong. We all want a positive role for our gifts. Business and economics are the most influential forces on humanity in the physical realms. We must join in, evolve our finances and work with innovative technologies that will save our asses. Commerce is the place of action for your good intentions, money its vehicle. Money is the easiest way to manifest, it's better to have some. We are scared of it because it’s that big, and because it means we can’t hide or make excuses anymore. From my heart, you are needed in today’s world. Your sensitivity, compassion, intuition, artistry and vision are the sustainable energy of the future. Your conscious infusion into our system is lighting up the world. The days of lightworkers being the unsung heroes are coming to a close. We need you to step out and be seen and become so normal that you are not persecuted against. Your gifts are necessary to take humanity into the future. We need you to take responsibility and embrace our system as your own. We need you to face your fear of rejection or persecution and step out, because now more than any time we have ever seen, the creative expression of your essence is allowed to manifest in service and prosperity. You are no longer alone, you no longer have to be on the fringe, penniless with a few trusted friends. The community is global now, and is integrating. Healing technologies are bursting on to the scene from everywhere, the shift in perception from slave to master is upon us. Our time has come. (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. |
December 2014