The Masters of One through CC Treadway Sink now into the deepest space within yourself, and let the rhythms flow within. For in this time of new music, how can you harmonize with the universe? All of you know that sound is the fundamental aspect in creation. So if you were to turn on the sound within, and express it without, you might be surprised at the results. The results are like swimming in the ocean. Fluid, held, soft supported and filled with surprises. There is so much power in your voice. And it is the voice that you must use at this time to further your clearing as the world is shifting into its next octave. It is not enough at this time to just think it away. Working with the currents of the universe as your planet moans and groans, and is punctured, you must dive in and make a difference with your song. This song strengthens through new fabric because, while you are shifting, you are also creating, the release of the motion within through sound, is the release of the motion through sound in the world, and in the universe, it can then be transmuted into the new reality, which is not just leaving everything behind, but integrating and building something stronger based on love. So while you are exercising, when you are moving, traveling, let your voice have a voice. Let the choirs of angels who are helping to sing a new reality into existence, connect with you in the realm of sound, and work together. The ream of sound exists in the lower planes of the astral fields. And we do not mean lower in the sense of bad or dark, but just that they are close to earth and so they have a real influence on how things go. If you tap in and add your vice, you have a say in which way things go. Think of HAARP. All it is is vibration and sound influencing the lower astral plane of sound with its voice, hence influencing the weather.Now you ask if your sound can be destructive to the universe should you release its cry? Yes and no. It destroys the old as long as you are in the intention to release and create. Then the new sounds come forth and help to build the new world. Remember the angels are working with you, and their intention is for the New World so we all can be in much easier contact. Humanity has not discovered its collective voice, but the ancients knew and sang to everything. Life was literally a musical. Not the broadway kind. The trees, plants, animals and waters all have sounds.The emotional side was the contact and love it formed with all things, the structural side was that is helped creation to grow and flourish as one. Both are need, and both are accomplished through song. If you let out a cry with the purpose of evil, well then, you will create evil, if you let out a cry with the purpose of good, then you will create good. But as we have mentioned, coming from good or evil is not really the idea, for it is steeped with duality, and ultimately will continue creating duality. So, when you let out your cry, it is from the HEART. Of course, and in the heart all of you feelings exist but they are governed by Love. You know this. Let it be so.Let your song build the new world where you will reside. There is nothing more rewarding than building your own home, even more rewarding to work with others to build a new community. It is all within your possibility, and it really works! Do not be afraid to unleash the magic of your heart, and sing to this wondrous planet. She needs your love, and you need hers. With Love and Service, The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved.
The Masters of One through CC Treadway Sitting in the Eye of the storm. Human beings, this time will be of great challenge. In the future, there will be so much to learn, there will be a moment in time where all come together in a collective decision to rise up and out of the current conditions that humanity has faced for eons. For every race is given the change to evolve, and humanity is no different. This is why we urge you connect with Mother earth, for if you want to evolve with her, you can be taken along for the ride. No one said evolution would be easy. And in this time of quickening, it will not be easy for many. Stay true to your heart, keep creating your hearts desire and watch the changing world support your visions. If your visions are of the future, then they are going to thrive, if the visions are based on the past, than the visions will be in survival mode, or simply fall into extinction. What are your dreams from the past? And how does the future become you by coming at you with full speed from the future into the present? For if you were to have the courage to let go of the things that defined you in the past you might cry, you might fight it, you my might wail, you might be in constant transition as you tried to figure out where you were supposed to go. You could stand still, you could move locations, you could stay with your partner, you could leave our partner you could stay in our old career you could move into your new one. Things will be in a constant transition and this is what it will feel like inside: A CONSTANT TRANSITION. You keep wanting to arrive, and there were times in which the point of arrival was like an exhale, it was like you knew that things would be like that for awhile. And now that whole comforting feeling is gone. It is no more, you will need to find comfort in the flux. You will need to learn how to ground and maneuver in the flux. It will remain this way for quite some time. How can you de-stress in the flux? What is most peaceful to you when things around you are constantly shifting? Use this energy of flux to bring in what you need. As we become connected to Spirit in this physical realm, it is easier to think of something and then have it be there. Plans are good, but manifesting in this 4th and 5th dimensional way is immediate. Learn both. At this time your personal work is more important than ever. To deny yourself the personal work results in a disconnection from self that is so extreme, that behavior cannot be predicted. It is highly advised that you spend many moments in the deep surrender of yourself, that, in a conscious, regular manner you come out of the illusion of separation and into the point of the stabilizing center. As this world enters more chaos, your need to practice coming into center will only grow. There are a million ways to do this. Pick the one that works for you. Take the time to meditate and come within. Temporarily release concerns of money, or of growth so that you spend time in the sacred silence within. We also ask again, for the sake of the planetary evolution, that you find the things that bring you peace and joy and you do them. The more happiness and peace there is on the planet, the easier the transition for all. The True Pioneer To be a true pioneer you have to say goodbye to the old way, and this may be your biggest challenge. Picture packing up your belongings and leaving your home country to create a better life in a new world. You have heard things about this new world, but you have no idea what it really means to never go back home. That is what you are collectively dealing with. To truly face letting go of the past means to have the courage to grieve its ending. It means having the courage to disappoint those who expect you to behave a certain way, or stay with them. Everyone is and will be affected by Earth’s decision to grow at this time. Everyone. It cannot be predicted in how you will be affected exactly, but you will be affected. It is impossible not to be. Please continue to hold the space of the center, and the magic of your life path lived, as we hold and support you through this constant transition. With Love and Service The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. CHANNELING, 4/10
The Masters of One through CC Treadway I noticed that relationships were taking a real hit this spring, so I asked the Masters of One, WHY???? Do you feel constricted, or bound? Because it is in this way the relationships are experiencing upheaval and drama as you say. For the self will no longer be confined. The self is growing and changing into something new, and out of previous control, out of the structure that was previously known. And each set of two must go through this so that they can grow to their next level of expression and learning. So, at this time there cannot be any containment of this growth, there cannot be a structure too well defined, for it is bursting out of the old clothes faster than the structure can be built. The BEST thing to do in this moment of time, this moment of stillness is to wait before going shopping!! For clothes will seem to constrictive if they are not the right ones, and the right one will not be defined for some time. Run naked instead!! And see if you would like clothes later… The human spirit has been locked up for so long, and as in any extreme growth process, of freedom, it will be initially a little messy. And an agreement made today will possibly be irrelevant tomorrow. A human being who is awake cannot be confined, this does not mean that all hell will break loose, because at the heart of the human spirit is love. And in order to experience true freedom, true responsibility must also be known, otherwise you are just blown by the wind. So think not how this time can be defined, but relax into the undefined space of clear intention with possible thoughtless action, of breaking through boundaries without knowing the consequences, of trying things out with loose agreements, and of knowing, that at the heart of every experience lives love, lives spirit. So, you see, it is not so dangerous after all. For the powers that be to relinquish control, the ones who are free need to be big, need to be convinced of their freedom through their exploration of advanced action. This does not mean that partners need to break up, only to experience a new level of freedom in the relationship, and over time new boundaries can be formed. You see freedom, expansiveness, joy and love are leading the way. It just does not look like what it looked like before. So if you are single, then you are also experiencing this upheaval, but this massive movement, as assisted by the earthquakes, is big, and a little sloppy. And it is all ok, because e to know that you are divine beings is to know that in the end, there are no mistakes, but only opportunities to learn from and to grow and to experience your radiance. You know this to be true. How much can you let go and let the power of spirit flow through you, and yet still look your beloved in the face and say “I respect you, I respect what we have, I wait for spirit to show us how to be as grand and large as we can be together.” For all of the earth beings to ascend into a higher spiritual reality, this awareness of letting the Great Spirit flow through you at all time is undeniably your greatest lesson, and it is happening now. Undeniably happening now. Spend time in your meditations with your Creator, know the larger plan for you, and for all humankind. With Great Love and Service, The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. CHANNELING 3/10
The Masters of One through CC Treadway This collective field that is unfolding is lighting the way into the future. And what of the mysterious entity known as God? During these times, the entity known as God is birthing a new vision, and letting go of the chaos that has plagued this earth for millennia. This God will show you the way by connecting deeply in your hearts at this time. So go into the heart and access the Creator God that lives within each of you. There is peace in the expansion, and there is the desire to grow. In this way you are no different from your Creator, who is enlivened with the magic of creation as you are. In the beginning of time there was you, and in the end of time there will also be you. Sink deeper into this knowledge of the vast oneness, and know that in this oneness all is ok. Your desires, as humans to bring forth the creative spark must not be put out, but instead must light the way for the constant new beginning. All of you can feel the change is happening. And all of you can feel that you are not alone in this. The whole planet is having to grow up. Where is the resistance to grow up within yourself? Where are you holding back your full potential so that you might fit in, or so that you might not face your own limitations, or perceived limitations. For growing up means letting go of the idea that all will be taken care of without your conscious co-creation. Remember in the co-creation you can vacillate between being taken care of, and imposing your will on your future. And both of these states are desirable, and must come into harmony within. Otherwise it would not be that much fun. The dance between these two states has kept the channeler questioning her motives for some time. As that deep surrender into Sprit is so yummy and healing, but then the desire to bring forth the vision takes over and everything else melts away. Sometimes even the understanding that Spirit is always there to respond is lost and this creates real pain and retreat. Can you move forward in your creations knowing that you are so dearly loved? That your creative process is held in the arms of sprit, of your Creator at all times? And the dance of caretaking and giving space for growth is constantly evolving in all of humanity, and in all of this universe? You are the ultimate parent, and you are the ever-delighted child on a journey. The wisdom behind the inner child work is to know that you forever embody both parts, as does the universe. And when those 2 elements are understood, the third element is created, and the third element is received. Spirit is like glue, the glue is made of love. The universe is made of love, that is its building material. So when you take yourself too far out of love, you are no longer in harmony with this universe. When you come back into the default space of love, all is flowing. You could say the third element that is created and received is love, but in fact, the love is simply the ingredient. So the third element, the holy ghost, is the ever growing and expanding consciousness that ties the creative impulse of the universe together. And you participate in this growth by your creative process as an individual, constantly using the care of Spirit with the drive to create. In this way the balance comes into play, the understanding that one does not have to be exhausted, or choose one way or the other becomes clear. You fear when you go too far out on the creative limb that God will forget you and that you will forget God. But, simply remember that just at the point when you feel you must return to the love and support of the parent, God is there to hold and provide for you, to take you out of your illusion and back home. So there is no choice that must be made between God and humanity here, only the understanding of how to navigate both of these sates of being. Anyone with big visions must master this understanding, for this is what prevents the inevitable adrenal burnout, the feeling of alones, or overwhelm. It is what prevents corruption and greed. Remember, in your biggest visions you are still loved and held. And you always can take the time out to simply receive. That is NEVER taken from you as you experience the temporary separation of your creative visioning and active participation. Bring forth your visions with this support, and with this acceptance of your human nature. For in your humanity you learn, over and over, the greatness of your own physical hearts, the beat that ties you to the Mother, and the Spirit that lives within to tie you to the Father. With love and gratitude for your dreams to come, The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved CHANNELING 2/10
The Masters of One through CC Treadway Sink into the deep blue ocean of love. At this time, there is no other space but in the heart. As you manifest, as you grow, remember to bring the infinite space within, the heart space. It is like an ocean of love. And from there you manifest. In these great times of glorious change on this planet, at this time, there is much confusion as to which way to go. As we stated in the last channeling, following loving thought with loving action is the first step of all endeavors. There will be much power to attain in these coming months, personal power, but it must be grounded in the heart. The new-agers, the spiritual types, have great potential to manifest. And so, it is the test of all tests, now that that the balance of power is shifting into the hearts of those that have felt neglected for so long, how will you use it? How will you express it? We ask you, to watch the places within that would like to create revenge in some way. And, no matter how evolved you are, you could be struck with this awareness. You see, your time has come and as the balance of power shifts, so will you. You will, for the fist time, begin to feel like what it feels like when you are in charge. It is a different energy. Will you switch from victim to perpetrator? From passive to aggressive? As humanity comes forth in its brilliance, we ask you to shine, to be humble for there is ever more growth and understanding to come. This is the challenge and responsibility of all leaders, and it will be no different for you, great spiritual ones. God would like to support you on the is journey of power, Spirit would like to be on your side, to walk with you to be with you, so never forget that the eternal presence of One, of Goddess, of Yoga is with you, in all your endeavors. In the way of partnerships, February is the month of celebrating, it is the month that the innocence of God is shot into your heart. It is your time to be like a baby, loved nourished and fed. Give this to yourself, give this to your partners, give this to your friends. Simply allow the wave of innocence to engulf you as you surrender to the waves of love. Travel within the liquid love to all parts of this earth. Know that through the primordial waters, exists you out of time and space, in the waters of love. Greet the whales as they move, like water with the current and tides, carrying their wisdom and light through out the world. Each animal, each plant plays such a role in this ecosystem, expresses itself fully in its purpose. Find your purpose in the water today. Be washed clean, get to know life under the water, inside the heart space, as you will see the liquid love is what you are made of. The tides are calling you home. The water is speaking to all right now, when the water rises, what does that mean for you? Remember that we are all riding these waves together, so that when the water does something globally, we are all affected. Water levels are rising. The water within you is rising also. Waters are poisoned. The water is poisoned within you too. You can eat healthy, you can find clean water, but this pain of poison cannot be erased until, the loving action is taken to clean this up. For, if the loving action is not taken, the dramatic, more painful action is taken in the form of tidal waves, and destruction. Please do not go into the space of who deserves what. It is not that simple. This is practical, the waters must be cleaned. All must participate in this cleaning. The more people who link in consciousness to this endeavor, the more the collective will decide to shift it in a loving way. Humanity has a choice, moment by moment. And we speak not so specifically of throwing out all plastic, but of instead focusing more fully on the paradise, the natural earth state, you so desire. If the materials are there that are not destructive to the great waters, then use those. There is no guilt, only choices moment by moment to live in the water. The air is also water. Space is also water. We live in a vast ocean of different density. One might think that pollution goes away somewhere, but it is in the water of the air. Get excited about new choices, see them as the most fun option, make them profitable for your life. Make the loving action natural and so pleasant that you forget the old way. That is all. No guilt, no preaching, no punishment, only love, only drama free choice. It is a simple retraining. We love you, we adore you, we have faith in you as carriers of the great water, that you will swim your way into peace. With Love The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. CHANNELING 1/10 The Masters of One channeled through CC Treadway In the ever-expanding universe we see three main and helpful themes for 2010. If we are to take a look at the “time table” of this year, we must first recognize that spirit is all one. So if the consciousness expanding is expanding as one, into one, how does the story of Earth make her mark in this year? Now, please understand, in the cosmic sense, that there is no 2010. That there is no 2012. In the cosmic sense we move as one in the space of no time, in the vortex of healing, of creation, of learning, of understanding, and of moving. 1. There is More Consciousness Available Than You Think The movement in the universe happens through the impulse of group consciousness. So the group consciousness will show you how the earth is moving. Make no mistake, there are no miracles that occur on the earth without a collective agreement that it be so. And so, if you are to understand this, you must also understand that there is SO MUCH CONSCIOUSNESS on this planet, for it is not only human beings that have consciousness. What if you were to take the time to talk to the plants and trees? Where do you think their consciousness would be? Would be it be to gather world domination by force, creating illnesses and economic strife? Probably not. Pick not only the humans of like minded consciousness to align with, but all that is in alignment with peace and harmony and effortless growth, and of acceptance of that growth as natural. If you are surrounded by those who hold their consciousness in the shadow, find something around you that doesn’t. A tree, a child, dirt or even your sweater. Just because children do not usually choose to sit in meditation visualizing world peace, does not mean they are plotting with evil forces for your soul. Their benign, truthful energy is aligned with source, so you’ve got the vast majority of children in the world’s consciousness heading in the right direction! There are also interdimensional beings, like us, who share Earth’s space and move with her. That’s a lot of energy! Everything has consciousness, and everything, to a certain extent has free will and influences where we are going together. So use this knowledge as comfort when it feels like the whole world has lost its heart. 2. Proactive Love What is interesting now is that traumatic events are happening in such a visible way that is impossible to be separated from it. It is impossible to look the other way. It is impossible not to know what and when has occurred. Take the time to feel into how these events affect you. Is it just another day, or do you have the feeling that, deep inside, you are being watched by a force that is waiting for your reaction to be in a proactive and loving way? Many of you have this sense. Some call it God, others the Higher Self, but indeed, there is a force that is waiting for your energy to grow to the extent that it can align with you and become more powerful, more loving. This high, wise and very strong energy cannot align with you fully if you do not use the strength of love to face what is difficult in the world proactively. It is not enough to simply pray, or hold space, although that is wonderful. But what action are you going to take in the physical world that reflects this intention? Because when the vibration is put into action, the vibration grows exponentially. Action does not have to be starting a non-profit organization and saving children in Africa, although it could. It can mean taking the time to stroll through the park and touch the trees, or to take the chance and tell someone that you like their hair!! It is taking a loving thought one small step beyond what you might normally, until it is so comfortable that larger acts of love are done with ease. These acts must be truthful, however, for pretending to love is not effective. If we shift our acts on a daily basis to doing one or two more active loving things, we are raising the vibration significantly. And we need that this year. If you thought there was change last year, this year will bring about even more change. We must shift our default state to one of proactive love. This will encourage a communal way of thought that is helpful, not harmful. Moving into a common agreement that joy and love is the way to go takes a continued commitment to being there, it is a continued reflection you must give those around you so they feel as though there is nothing more comfortable in the world than to be their most loving and strong self. Please know this is a process, and do not judge yourself if it takes you some time! 3. Mother Earth Calling in the Troops & Manifesting If last year made you question your values and come into a deeper truth within you, this year, the ability to manifest in the new way, the new energy, will be magnified as Mother Earth calls back her children to align with her. Mother Earth is the strongest energy available to you as humans on the planet. It is vastly stronger than any human being or group of human beings. Use it to your advantage, and to the advantage of all. The group consciousness created over the last few years has created a strong template that is available for those in their new paradigm to manifest from. This is reflected in the numerology of the year, which is a three. Three is a manifesting number. Remember that as you align with Mother Nature, you are simply reclaiming what is yours. The body becomes alive with this knowledge, the cells reawaken to their natural power and you are free. This freedom only requires that you maintain attention and focus to manifest properly. Mother nature needs her children to come together and recognize her as their primary source of all that is physical. This separation and reliance upon that which is above to feed us is not complete. While it takes above and below to create, the dismissal of the Mother cannot create satisfying or nurturing results. Ever feel that when you are manifesting that you must manifest more and more because it is not enough? As the element of Mother is restored, we will feel we have enough and create from there. It will not be an uphill climb with no choice but to come back down from the peak, but an experience of passion, creativity and nurturing. It is a wonderful feeling to create in this way and the energy for that awareness is strong in this year of 2010. These three helpful themes will carry you in the flow of this year. When trying to manifest, remember that you are physically divine, when trying to love, do something loving and when frustrated with the state of the world, hug a tree. In Love and Service, The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved. CHANNELING 12/09
The Masters of One through CC Treadway Let us clear up some of the confusion surrounding past lives, contracts and the like. In the space of no time, there is infinite earth experience, there is infinite life experience in the hologram of life. All these lives and experiences are happening in thought and feeling, and some in action and physical form, others in mythological or astral form. They are all real and part of the human psyche, landscape and experience. As you tap into the energy that is being held by a life experience, the healing is real because of the amount of self/Creator energy tied up and attached to the expression of that feeling or thought. What is confusing and used as a justification of living all these different lifetimes, is the linear time set up, which only allows the human mind to grow in an understandable way in a place of heavy gravity. Thought and emotion brought into expression or repression, results in energy. All is measured in energy, and in the presence of emotion, the presence of space large and small, the outer, the inner. What precedes/stimulates thought/emotion into expression? What stimulates the particular thought /emotion to which the expression is born is the desire to bring forth a creative experience in the reality of good and bad. The desire is to unify the good and bad with a creative experience. The creative experience is the bridge in a dualistic reality. There is no end and beginning, only the desire to create and bridge the duality. There is duality in this harmony because, it is like the creating of any instrument, there is a science behind the instrument, the way the notes are layed out, and how sound is made. The notes are layed out to create a specific type of sound, but the creative mind can make infinite amounts of songs with that form. Such is the experience in the dualist plane. Think of a simple instrument with two notes, spread far from each other. How would you bring those notes together to play? Would you get frustrated with the notes that are given and add the voice? Would you add another instrument, another note? You could do a lot of things, but the base structure of that instrument would remain the same. Two notes. In the end the desire of Creator could be such that the instrument is remade, because the desires of the creative impulse would be to long for more, over time, a new note would be born, simply form the energy garnered by the desire. That would be the basic structure of the universe to which this plane of reality is based upon. And that is how growth is allowed. There is movement, there are layers, but time is now. This will all make more sense as we go along. Contracts and family… In the structure of the framework of the manipulation of time that this dimension provides, there is an interim space where souls meet to decide on their next move. While this space is not in the same time paradigm, it is not totally out of time. It has been constructed to best serve the form of the dualistic realities. In this time space reality, of the in between, it is like a stopping station, and there is a physical representation of this on the Moon. It is the meeting space, and the observer of earth happenings. Of other life forms from other planets must in some way stop through the Moon, to prepare themselves for the time space reality of Earth. There are those who are curious to disturb this setup and have people bound to the earth planes with no period of judgment in between that is all. This would slow evolution. But it cannot happen. These are few earth beings who are enjoying creating a destructive, demonic reality. This is ok. But the idea is to align with the truth and that it is all a creative experiment of the one true God… and how difficult do you want to create for yourself? In order to create harmonic families on earth, there must be a commonality of energy. The willingness for a human to create family dramas and stay connected relies on this harmony, this commonality. This would imply, and is true in our understanding, that an energy, or monadic type structure exists as a larger whole and then is split off into many parts for the humans to interact and create within this dualistic plane and other planes. Monads would have joined with other monads originally and the soul family tree is given reason to incarnate together on the time space realities of physical creation. In this way each monadic system grows, learns and breathes connected to each other. And returns to itself in some “future time.” Of course interactions between people who do not have these connections will also result, and this can create variables of creation that are extremely diverse, enriching and confusing at times. This stretches the character of the monad and creates and energetic bond that allows for the monad in non-physical form to be connected as well. Remember we are all from the same Source, so these are just creative ways to connect with the energy of the all that is. Contracts are put in place, again, so that a certain amount of energy resides around an issue so that it can be resolved in the heart of the soul during an incarnation. At times, during the course of a life, the need to maintain this old bond is no longer necessary and it can be dissolved if the soul feels the lesson has been learned, or if the foundational belief of the contract is causing unnecessary harm to the soul, in its opinion. Once the soul discovers that there is choice, and that there is access to the higher self, more control can be had over these pre-decisions. However, the dualistic nature of the earth experience will guarantee a certain amount of confusion until a place of non-dualism is reached in the heart of the soul. This takes much trial and error, but it can occur. Thank you for your questions, In Great Love and Service The Masters of One (c) 2CC Treadway, all rights reserved. Channeling, 11/11/09
The Masters of One through CC Treadway These days, in these times, it is of the most importance, the utmost value if you were to look inside yourself daily, minute to minute, as often as possible. For all the answers are within. In this time of outer chaos, we revisit the concept of the inner. We revisit the concept of the hologram, that all of life unfolds, enfolds within your true self. The self of Now. As you do this process of enfolding, the truth then can rise between the spaces of consciousness that is known to you. And in this space resides the awareness of the ONE. The only truth that you need listen to. In this time of chaos and great change, it is the stability within, and the mastery within, which unites the differences. For in that stability within, the one truth links us all. In this time of great chaos and ambition, we see that there is single minded focus to prevail, and so within, find this place that longs to prevail and let it enfold within you. The gateway of the 11:11 is a time, an opportunity to allow more of this space, this truth to enfold with you, to pick one frequency, one currency of flavor, of spice that will carry you deeper into the universal truth of success, of rejoining with your galactic brothers and sisters, and others…. There is so much to understand, but if you practice the journey within, then you find the commonalities, the similarities between you and the great vastness and all of her colors, species and goals. You fit within that, quite easily if you allow for space. This is a practice that must be practiced, time and time again as you rise, earthlings, rise to the occasion of your birthright. This birthright enables you to see, with clear vision, who you are, where you are and what you are doing here. Do you realize you live in the greatest mystery of all? To agree to come into this plane requires so much stamina and trust. More trust that you could possibility imagine. To agree to forget so that you can assist in the rising of consciousness is such a sacrifice, and yet the sweet reunion with the Divine, with Creator makes it all worth it. To be lost, only to be found again, over and and over. You live this truth. The truth of the seeker. What is the value of being the seeker? That you are the pioneers of the new world. One that involves each person being the truth of who they are, and nothing more is needed. Is that so difficult? Yes it is when the original human wound is running through your veins like poison. The wound of being bad, separate worthless. These are beliefs that each one of you holds, if you have “cleared it”within yourselves, you can still feel it in others. And you cannot deny that you are all breathing together this same air. On this 11:11, we ask that you not reject yourself, or another because they have a disdainful quality, but that you remember, that within lies the entire universe and that disdainful quality is as much yours to love as it is another’s. With that we say manifest well, tap into the higher flow and let yourselves be the greatness, the great souls, the Masters of Creator, the love that lies within. In great Love and Service, The Masters of One
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