CHANNELING 1/10 The Masters of One channeled through CC Treadway In the ever-expanding universe we see three main and helpful themes for 2010. If we are to take a look at the “time table” of this year, we must first recognize that spirit is all one. So if the consciousness expanding is expanding as one, into one, how does the story of Earth make her mark in this year? Now, please understand, in the cosmic sense, that there is no 2010. That there is no 2012. In the cosmic sense we move as one in the space of no time, in the vortex of healing, of creation, of learning, of understanding, and of moving. 1. There is More Consciousness Available Than You Think The movement in the universe happens through the impulse of group consciousness. So the group consciousness will show you how the earth is moving. Make no mistake, there are no miracles that occur on the earth without a collective agreement that it be so. And so, if you are to understand this, you must also understand that there is SO MUCH CONSCIOUSNESS on this planet, for it is not only human beings that have consciousness. What if you were to take the time to talk to the plants and trees? Where do you think their consciousness would be? Would be it be to gather world domination by force, creating illnesses and economic strife? Probably not. Pick not only the humans of like minded consciousness to align with, but all that is in alignment with peace and harmony and effortless growth, and of acceptance of that growth as natural. If you are surrounded by those who hold their consciousness in the shadow, find something around you that doesn’t. A tree, a child, dirt or even your sweater. Just because children do not usually choose to sit in meditation visualizing world peace, does not mean they are plotting with evil forces for your soul. Their benign, truthful energy is aligned with source, so you’ve got the vast majority of children in the world’s consciousness heading in the right direction! There are also interdimensional beings, like us, who share Earth’s space and move with her. That’s a lot of energy! Everything has consciousness, and everything, to a certain extent has free will and influences where we are going together. So use this knowledge as comfort when it feels like the whole world has lost its heart. 2. Proactive Love What is interesting now is that traumatic events are happening in such a visible way that is impossible to be separated from it. It is impossible to look the other way. It is impossible not to know what and when has occurred. Take the time to feel into how these events affect you. Is it just another day, or do you have the feeling that, deep inside, you are being watched by a force that is waiting for your reaction to be in a proactive and loving way? Many of you have this sense. Some call it God, others the Higher Self, but indeed, there is a force that is waiting for your energy to grow to the extent that it can align with you and become more powerful, more loving. This high, wise and very strong energy cannot align with you fully if you do not use the strength of love to face what is difficult in the world proactively. It is not enough to simply pray, or hold space, although that is wonderful. But what action are you going to take in the physical world that reflects this intention? Because when the vibration is put into action, the vibration grows exponentially. Action does not have to be starting a non-profit organization and saving children in Africa, although it could. It can mean taking the time to stroll through the park and touch the trees, or to take the chance and tell someone that you like their hair!! It is taking a loving thought one small step beyond what you might normally, until it is so comfortable that larger acts of love are done with ease. These acts must be truthful, however, for pretending to love is not effective. If we shift our acts on a daily basis to doing one or two more active loving things, we are raising the vibration significantly. And we need that this year. If you thought there was change last year, this year will bring about even more change. We must shift our default state to one of proactive love. This will encourage a communal way of thought that is helpful, not harmful. Moving into a common agreement that joy and love is the way to go takes a continued commitment to being there, it is a continued reflection you must give those around you so they feel as though there is nothing more comfortable in the world than to be their most loving and strong self. Please know this is a process, and do not judge yourself if it takes you some time! 3. Mother Earth Calling in the Troops & Manifesting If last year made you question your values and come into a deeper truth within you, this year, the ability to manifest in the new way, the new energy, will be magnified as Mother Earth calls back her children to align with her. Mother Earth is the strongest energy available to you as humans on the planet. It is vastly stronger than any human being or group of human beings. Use it to your advantage, and to the advantage of all. The group consciousness created over the last few years has created a strong template that is available for those in their new paradigm to manifest from. This is reflected in the numerology of the year, which is a three. Three is a manifesting number. Remember that as you align with Mother Nature, you are simply reclaiming what is yours. The body becomes alive with this knowledge, the cells reawaken to their natural power and you are free. This freedom only requires that you maintain attention and focus to manifest properly. Mother nature needs her children to come together and recognize her as their primary source of all that is physical. This separation and reliance upon that which is above to feed us is not complete. While it takes above and below to create, the dismissal of the Mother cannot create satisfying or nurturing results. Ever feel that when you are manifesting that you must manifest more and more because it is not enough? As the element of Mother is restored, we will feel we have enough and create from there. It will not be an uphill climb with no choice but to come back down from the peak, but an experience of passion, creativity and nurturing. It is a wonderful feeling to create in this way and the energy for that awareness is strong in this year of 2010. These three helpful themes will carry you in the flow of this year. When trying to manifest, remember that you are physically divine, when trying to love, do something loving and when frustrated with the state of the world, hug a tree. In Love and Service, The Masters of One (c) 2010 CC Treadway, all rights reserved.
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