The Masters of One through CC Treadway In the sacred you lies the stillness. The stillness of being, that is not entrenched with any such things as what your mind thinks. For in the center is the structure of Love that resides in each human being, that never ceases to call your name and take you further inside, further into the mystery to wash away all that is not real to present to you that which is truth. And in these days of ultimate frustrations, and carnivals of time constructed illusions that any kind of party will save the day, we say to you, to unload your worries into the sacred center of the all that is, in the heart of the earth, and watch the transformational energies of Mother Earth grow something new. For government, for the collective psyche of humanity, is nothing but that, the collective psyche of humanity, and so as you let go of the strife and feed it to that which can transmute with your desire, a new government, a new world is formed. You tend to want choose a side in order to feel safe in a construct, and indeed, for the mind a construct of sorts is important to thrive and to move forward into life, with goals to accomplish and what not, this brings satisfaction and joy, however, within the strife is the need to know how to work with that energy to transmute if for growth. In the shamanic approach one would know of this idea of feeding the negative and balancing so that the positive can shine. One would also know of the neutralizing that occurs when these forces unite in the heart. We say, Mother Earth has a heart, feed her the strife through prayer and devotion, and she will grow a new world. Put her to use in this way there is some part of the earth consciousness that gets lost in the shuffle because her wisdom is forgotten by so many, and so by law, part of her forgets as well. Remember dear humans, remember how things work, through your bodes, souls, through spirit, through the earth. In the center of your being resides the common factor, the common denominator of remembering where you came from and why you are here, were you as a collective to apply that understanding in the arena of politics through meditations, group meditations and the like, the state of political affairs evolves, your leadership within and without becomes aligned with source. And luckily there are many who know this and actively practice it, but more must come to the fold. For we would like to see this change in effect sooner rather than later, and the new world is longing to thrive, as Mother Earth is longing to come into her full remembering and her full assignment of ascension with all of you at this time. Change is never that straight forward, there are hurdles, there is back and forth, but stay true to your desires to neutralize and to harmonize the forces within you for a better world for your children, and for your dreams, for yourselves, for all. As you are all connected, you may pick an area of trauma in your world, and in ceremony with Earth, pray with her to remember to take the energy to transmute into the collective desire for a better, more harmonious world. Pray with great Father Sky and the All That Is Source. Sing your desires for the suffering to turn to joy, for balance to be easier and for the extremes to neutralize. Sing of your desires for love, and for the children to be loved and cared for. Sing of your sorrows for the violence and depravity that is still occurring, and ask for help. The collective call for change must continue to be heard. Do it consciously! On a personal level, we say to you, find that conflict within you that holds you back, there is always something that is desired that is hard to achieve, and we say, find the conflict within and neutralize with source, and trust that this energy comes forth to brighten and to educate you in these times, and that as you are aligned with source, change comes more quickly and easily. Find the place within you that is scared and bring in the divine love. And that is all. Let life unfold to teach you. And give thanks for this opportunity, give gracious thanks in your heart for all that is occurring as your life force has chosen to present at this time and to cooperate with these changes, however bleak things may seem. Courageous you are in this choice, exercise it each day, as a fortunate explorer of life. With thanks we pray with you, always and forever, in the mystery, The Masters of One.
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Abandonment. For those of us who have experienced this most intense of all wounds, we know how serious it is. I have found in my healing practice that when it comes down to it, everyone is dealing with abandonment, whether it comes in the form of the fear of rejection, the habitual pattern of love avoidance or good old fashioned codependency and love addiction. From my observations, even those that claim to not experience it really do, it’s just more shrouded. What is so heartbreaking to see is the judgment and shame that people place on it, not knowing that their reactions are normal. It hurts to be left, but we usually internalize the rejection, making ourselves wrong and unlovable. The good news is that this universal wound is actually something manageable and healable. One of my biggest teachers has been the abandonment wound. Coming clean with myself about it and lifting the judgment around it has been one of the most powerful healing responses for both my clients and myself. I continue to grow and learn from it. The fact is codependency is the model we are given for relationship, so its not just the super wounded who need to look at it. However, people who have had early childhood abandonment or abuse will have a more difficult time coping with it as an adult, and yet their system will be patterned for it, so they may find they are reliving brutal rejection and mistreatment time after time, with no tools and no hope to recover or change. Some events that can trigger this old and unhealed wound are a breakup, a death, being fired, a friendship suddenly ending or an intimate partner or friend who is emotionally unavailable. As a healer and a human, I wanted to dive as deeply into the healing of this wound as I could. Coming Clean with Myself Years ago, after a debilitating breakup that left me completely bereft, I devoted myself to healing it. I was sick of feeling awful and powerless, sick of feeling ashamed of my real needs, exhausted from covering up the pain for so long. Of course it wasn't just this breakup, it was ancient, it had always been with me. So I spent five full months tracking when feelings of abandonment would surface. Sometimes it was triggered by an event as simple as saying goodbye to a friend after a movie, other times it would just come over me with no warning. Mostly it was triggered by the loss of that relationship and what that said about my ability to trust myself, and as it turned out, God. When you get hit by that wound, the mildest reaction is just feeling a bit of sad, lonely discomfort. The most intense reaction is that you feel as though you are completely lost and alone and you must be fed by an external source to survive, addictive feelings begin to control you. It feels like there is nothing supporting you, and nothing to fall back on. It feels like every person in your life doesn’t love you enough or the right way. You begin to try and control your environment and monitor other’s behaviors. It is unhealed child consciousness at its strongest. You must find a primary care giver or you will die. That is the intensity of the emotion. Sick of trying to cover it up, I finally had to surrender to the experience. I wanted to know just how much it was controlling me. I knew that I would be healing it on a deeper level rather than just applying coping mechanisms, or talking myself out of it. After this heartbreak, I felt an emptiness and hopelessness inside that was unending and inconsolable, but I had felt this before. Taking responsibility for and confronting the abandonment wound is saying that you are willing to face your deepest fear, your deepest pain. While many things happened in my life to assist in healing this pain, it was my unyielding commitment to the process that brought that about. The Abandonment Abyss In those moments where the pain would hit me, I would just sit with myself as the adult, caring witness. I found myself in a deep, black abyss of nothing. It was petrifying at first. And then my child consciousness would appear, crying her eyes out. At the same time that my child consciousness suffered, blamed and cried, my adult consciousness would witness with infinite love, patience and understanding. I had to be strong. I did this again and again and again, sometimes every few minutes in a day. One time I had to do it for almost three days straight. It was not easy at all, in fact one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I did not let my child take over by affecting my adult behavior. I did not let her “go to the empty well for a drink” as my healer would say. The empty well would be something like trying to get attention from my ex-boyfriend, even if it was ultimately unsatisfying and hurtful. It would have been reaching for ice cream, or talking on the phone non-stop, or not taking responsibility and blaming him. For others it might be drugs, cigarettes or meaningless sex. Without those vices, I found myself getting to the ultimate wounds- first, abandonment by parents and all the psychology around that, and then inevitably, abandonment by God. That pain was the core, it was unbearable, it was gut wrenching. I felt I had been rejected and betrayed by God, that I didn’t matter at all, the pain was excruciating. I had no choice but to sit with those feelings, to really feel them, to let them out, to hear them. I sat with this pain a lot. I wanted to be completely unafraid of it. And after some time it was enough. A huge relief washed over me. It was like the weight of the world lifted out of me, making room for the warm, comforting presence of the Divine. It happened automatically, with no preconceived idea that it would. I was overjoyed and felt so cared for. I could feel God within me, filling me, healing me. That was what I really wanted. The abandonment abyss is what most people are doing anything to avoid, but the truth is, if you face it, it passes. And once you get through it, it gets easier and easier. Abandonment as Your Ally Now, the interesting thing is that abandonment has become my ally. Whenever it gets triggered, and it still gets triggered, an instant self love reaction takes place. I had no idea this would happen. Each time I am able to touch deeper parts of the beloved within. The best part is that it’s no one else’s responsibility, so I’ve got the power. Trusting that we are loved and cared for in the midst of chaos takes this practice to a whole new level. It’s challenging, but it’s the only way I know to feel safe. Abandonment Is a Creative Tool The other great thing about abandonment is creativity. The best tool we can have right now is our creativity. We will need it to navigate the new world. As our dependency on a corrupt system is crumbling, we need to create the new. Songs, writing, drawing, new business based on love…. all can fill up that seemingly empty void and there is enough for all. This channeling from my guide team describes how abandonment and creativity are linked. Channeling: You hold a lot of power as you honor yourself, as you love all parts of yourself. For so long you have tried to eradicate abandonment and now what you are doing is just simply letting go of the idea that it is wrong, it is a gift of story for you as a human, it is a great teacher and there is infinite space and colors in the wound of abandonment. Can you feel the limitless possibilities of creation in the space of abandonment? Can you feel that within yourself - how profound a feeling it is to sit in that space of longing, of emptiness, of pain that seems to stretch as wide as you could possibly fee? Well it is no accident, it is Creators choice, your choice to experience this pain and create within it. There are so many possibilities in life but this vacancy is the abyss. This vacancy is the abyss. And so as you bring forth your creations in this void of voids, you heal, you make more room for yourself, for your expansion, for your colors, for your music, and as you bring in the creativity, divine love pours from your soul, reminding you of who you are, reminding you that this is all temporary and it is a gift. For creativity is divine. It is direct food, the elixir of your being. Feel the gratitude for such a unique expression of who you are, for such a deep experience of your fullness, your completeness in the vacancy. Do not fear this place, but use it now. Use it to heal. For you understand now, that it is not just there to torture you but to serve you into your highest potential. The abandonment wound opens up limitless space for your creations, for you. You can bring in the love, let it shower the pain, let it heal the pain, but only when you accept that this emptiness, this loneliness is there as a gift to serve you as a human can you experience the joy of being abandoned, only to discover you are more than you were before. I know what you are thinking, “How could that be joyful?” but we tell you, humanity is just simply irreplaceable, impossible to replicate, it’s perfect. Thank yourself for choosing this crazy pain, this crazy bliss and create within it. So the next time you feel someone has left you, the next time you feel you need someone else to fill that empty hole, make it bigger, make that pain as big and wide as you can and start to create. Fill it up, paint the canvas, pick up the guitar, cook a meal, or simply feel every particle of your being expand. This is experiential, you must try it. There is purpose in every experience here. Don’t waste it. Let it fill you, let it be you, choose it again and again, every day. Choose your creative longing to expand within. Choose your humanity. Be proud of who you are, even in your darkest moments you are so brave to live this challenge. We sit in awe of your strength, of your efforts, of your potential. Coming Back into Community That channeling was so reassuring to me. Through the healing of this wound, and the commitment to tend to it, create from it and love myself, I was able to receive true friendship, true partnership and true community. Life naturally opened up to the bounty of the Universe and I was never alone again. |
As we move into universal consciousness, opening up our channel is one of the most important things we can do to stay centered and aligned with the Divine Cosmic Plan. Archives
September 2012