Is it October already? Almost one year ago, I was packing my bags to move from Sedona back to New York City. Well, actually, I didn’t think I was moving back, I thought I was just going to be in New York for a few months to get my bearings. As I look back on the year I am continually surprised at the series of events. How humbling to have worked so hard to create a certain kind of life, only to watch it disintegrate, virtually overnight, and then be taken on what felt like a magic carpet ride back to the life I had worked very hard to get away from.
I had to give up the reigns entirely and trust, because somehow when everything was falling apart, everything fell into place. It was like the universe said, “Since you have no idea what to do, let us set it all up for you. Come, this way, trust us, I think you’re gonna like it.” To let you know of some of the synchronicities, I ended up in a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by trees in Brooklyn, the largest and nicest place I have ever lived in. My roommate when I arrived was tantra teacher Luba Evans, who has turned out to be one of my dearest friends and colleagues. Many hours and days were spent brainstorming, talking and sharing. We wrote our e-book, “Healing The Broken Heart” together. This magical house turned out to be a block away from the hub of the spiritual and artistic community I was welcomed into with the deepest soul recognition I have ever known. My work and creativity continues to thrive in collaboration with my new pals. One of my best friends/colleagues and I joined forces and got office space in downtown Manhattan, in one of the most desired neighborhoods for well below market price. It happened easier than anything I have ever done. One phone call and exactly what we wanted was presented. I was able to pay off my debts this year through sheer determination, working hard and surprise family gifts. The release of grief I experienced over my relationship in Sedona ending, set off a series of awarenesses resulting in deep healing with my family of origin, a level of healing I never knew possible. 20 years of defenses melted away to reveal the Beloved inside of all of us. The sweetness of love welcomed a broken family back Home together. Just that would have been more than enough. I can’t help but bow at the foot of God and accept everything that was offered. I look back and think to myself, wow, I did not see any of this coming. Really. This has only led to a deeper reverence for the mystery of life, to unknowable forces working with us to give us things we never knew we wanted. Or maybe, these unexpected things are what we really want, but we just have no reference point for them. It’s made me deeply respect this work, strong intentionality and the surrender to the soul path. What we are all creating together now is out of the old paradigm, it creates itself if you do your emotional work and let the flow carry you. Things fall apart, they are going to keep falling apart, but as we tap into our true nature, our infinite light, all is available. If you are reading this, then you are somehow privileged to have access to this part of your soul. Use that information to get you through whatever it is you are going through, whether personal or in the larger picture of these global changes. Our souls were designed for this moment, don’t resist, just trust in how amazing you are. We have some great programs coming up. Namely, the workshop in upstate New York at Galiana Retreat Center, Healing the Broken Heart, in November. I will be co-teaching with Luba Evans. This is part of the fall series that was kicked off with the Healing the Broken Heart Telecourse and e-book (we are still flushing out the shopping cart details on this one). I think this work is so important because I am living testament to the fact that we can deeply heal our hearts and let in the beauty of life. I know that the deep, empty pain inside can heal and be filled with love and hope. I hope you will consider joining us. To read full newsletter please click here. From the Deep Mystery, CC Treadway
12/14/2011 02:34:04 pm
great blog, wonderful words about falling apart, love it!
8/16/2012 11:56:11 pm
Home is always a restful and relaxed place for every one, we get a deep rest when we reach at home. But anyway congrats to you for reaching your home.
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