When I was growing up my greatest times were those spent in quiet with nature. There was magic in the air, but I couldn’t touch it, I didn’t understand it. I just wanted more. I wanted to return to the wise and mysterious longing that lived inside me. I wanted to find others with this same longing. Do you have this longing? Many people open to the spiritual realms through the use of hallucinogens, or plant medicines, but I was too much of a lightweight to handle any of those things….and I did make attempts. I was already open, but I needed to learn to access these worlds in a gentler way. I also was tired of being lied to by our leaders, and our society. No one could convince me we weren’t born with super powers! I was lucky because my mother felt the same way. I was introduced to spirituality at a young age and encouraged to explore my inner magic. My first job out of high school was working at the local new age store, and my boss began to mentor my spiritual development and encouraged me to try therapy. What started as a longing became my life’s work. No matter what I was doing: painting, filmmaking, dancing or singing, the theme was accessing the great Creator’s energy and letting it flow through me fully. In these places I could do anything, I felt my total completeness. My art would explode, my dancing would turn to freedom, my singing would bring through healing energies that would affect the audience, my films would put themselves together. Being a super hero was simply relaxing into this great force of love and power, and creating within it. As I developed my healing skills and began working with clients, I found myself swimming in this great mystery of love and power regularly. Spirit guides, angels and my Higher Self began communicating with me. The vibrations coming in were so sweet and so full, I stopped feeling alone. With the help of my mentors and healers, I was able to release blocks to my divine core and access clear information at will. I began to listen to my channeled guidance and trust it, allowing my life more purpose yet more adventure. I then began teaching others these tools. It was then I found my truest joy: walking others home to their divine core, and teaching them to access their own wisdom, and the wisdom from their guides. That is what I have to offer to you for this weekend workshop, Dreaming the New Earth: Accessing your Highest Spiritual Potential. We are in an extraordinary time, where the light of Creator is strong, and our ability to live a life of joyful abundance is multiplied. We will take learning to channel to the next level, of actually living a life with our spiritual connection as a full, integrated aspect to our humanity. This means more love, more power, more wisdom, more purpose, more mystery, more fun! If you would like to learn more about the workshop, click here I believe each one of is directly linked to the All That Is. I believe we are coming out of victimhood as a culture and stepping into our greatness. Remembering our place in the Universe is coming home.
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